6.0.10 Update Log

  • Last update:October 26, 2023
  •  Version

    FineBI Version

    JAR Package



    My Analysis

    ——Analysis Subject——

    Adding Lineage View

    The analysis subject includes multiple types of elements such as data, components, and dashboards. You can click Lineage view in the subject editing interface to view all elements in the subject and their relationships.

    Click the element in Lineage view to jump to the corresponding editing interface, making it easy for you to quickly view analysis details.

    For details, see Subject Lineage View.

    Optimization of Subject Model

    For versions earlier than FineBI 6.0.10, you need to configure associations of the subject model, and the system will recommend association configuration.

    FineBI 6.0.10 supports automatic model configuration based on recommended associations, thus reducing your configuration costs and improving efficiency.

    If you are not satisfied with the association configuration, you can make modifications as needed.

    For details, see Model View.


    Optimization of Dataset Switching Within a Component

    Allow new users to only use data switching within the subject.

    Old users who have upgraded to version 6.0.10 are not affected, and components that have been switched to subjects remain unchanged.

    For details, see Dataset Switching Within a Component.

    Optimization of Component Parameter

    FineBI 6.0.10 allows setting default values for the parameter added in the component. It is possible to filter the parameter fields added based on this value in the component interface. which is convenient for you to perform data validation.


    Optimization of View Users on Mobile Devices

    View users on mobile devices cannot see My Analysis.

    For details, see Platform Users.

    Optimization of Public Data Management

    1. Optimized the public data detection content and reduced the content of setting items:

    • Changed Number of visits in the last 30 days into Recent views.

    • Merged Create time and Publish time into Create/publish time.

    • Added fields Last use time of other users and Update mode.

    • Deleted fields Engine type, Creator's department and position, Creator's role, Last used time, and Last edit time.

    2. Added Detect views of the last N days, supporting custom detection of public data access status in the past N days as needed.


    3. Allow exporting the results of public data detection as Excel files, making it convenient for you to report or reuse detection data.

    For details, see Public Data Management.

    Adding User Input Validation

    For FineBI 6.0.10 and newer versions, a new function User Input Validation has been added.

    The function User Input Verification is enabled by default, which verifies user input in specific scenarios within the FineBI system, effectively filtering malicious code and ensuring system security.

    If the user's input contains illegal content, clicking OK or Save will prevent the entered content from being saved, and a pop-up window will prompt as shown in the following figure:

    For details, see User Input Verification.


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