Installation Directory Preparation

  • Last update: 2024-07-15
  • Overview

    The project mounting directory is essential to associate the project file on the host machine with files in the container, realizing data persistence and quick document viewing.

    This article briefly describes how to prepare the mounting directory for the O&M project.

    Mounting Directory Preparation

    All important files of the FineOps-deployed FineBI project should be mounted outside the container. Create a mounting directory in the free disks of the main application server and the component server in advance.

    Checking Server Disk Space

    Use the df-h command to find a mounting point with large free space.

    In this example, the most appropriate mounting directory for the server is the /home directory.

    Creating a Folder

    • Use the mkdir command to create a folder. (For example, create a folder named fanruan in the /home directory.)


    Specifying the Directory Owner

    If the user of the prepared server is not the root user, you need to specify the user as the owner of the mounting path using the following command.

    chown -R Username /Absolute path of the mounting directory 

    For example, specify the user dev as the owner of the /home/fanruan path:

     chown -R dev /home/fanruan

    Mounted Content Introduction

    After a project is successfully deployed, the content of each component of the project is stored in the /mounting directory/fanruanxxx directory.

    The mounted contents feature persistence and will not be lost due to container upgrades and restarts.

    Do not create a folder in the /mounting directory/fanruanxxx/bi 6 directory, as the contents in this folder are not persistent and may be lost.

    You can upload resources to subfolders, such as the help folder in the /mounting directory/fanruanxxx/bi 6 directory (recommended).

    Folder in the Mounting Directory

    Corresponding Path in Container



    This part of the content is stored in the directory of each bi-web component, and the content is identical. 


     Stores FineBI-extracted data.

    classes/usr/local/tomcat/webapps/webroot/WEB-INF/classesStores default and custom class files for project calls.
    config/usr/local/tomcat/webapps/webroot/WEB-INF/configStores files related to the configuration database (finedb) for platform calls.
    customlib/usr/local/tomcat/webapps/webroot/WEB-INF/customlibStores customized or imported JAR packages and fonts of the project.
    dpworks/usr/local/tomcat/webapps/webroot/WEB-INF/dpworksStores configuration files related to FDL tasks. (If this folder does not exist, the project does not use FDL-related functions.)
    local/usr/local/tomcat/webapps/webroot/WEB-INF/localStores compiled files of the new engine.
    logs/usr/local/tomcat/webapps/webroot/logsStores swift logs (logdb).
    mount/usr/local/tomcat/mountStores the file, which is used to set the environment variables and startup parameters of the project.
    plugins/usr/local/tomcat/webapps/webroot/WEB-INF/pluginsStores plugin-related files. 
    ROOT/usr/local/tomcat/webapps/ROOTFor storage.

    Stores general Tomcat logs.


    Stores custom files (such as CSS, JS, HTML, and image files) that are called by the project.

    Folder in the Mounting DirectoryCorresponding Path in ContainerDescription

    Contents in the bi-web folder are not stored in the mounting directory, but in the file server.


    temp_attach: Stores original Excel file information of the project.

    vcs: Stores FineReport template backups.

    drivers: Stores drivers uploaded via Driver Management, which are automatically synchronized to the WEB-INF/drivers directory of the project.

    Other files: Stores general files that share the persistent directory.

    backup/usr/local/tomcat/webapps/webroot/backupStores project backups.

    Stores FineReport templates.

    resources/usr/local/tomcat/webapps/webroot/WEB-INF/resourcesStores resource configuration files related to the project.
    schedule/usr/local/tomcat/webapps/webroot/WEB-INF/scheduleStores files generated by Task Schedule.
    treasures/usr/local/tomcat/webapps/webroot/WEB-INF/treasuresStores data packages generated by Cloud O&M.
    Folder in the Mounting DirectoryCorresponding Path in ContainerDescription


    This part of the content is stored in the directory of each bi-engine-worker component, and the content is identical. 

    polars/data/polarsStores the polars operation log that is automatically generated after the polars starts. GC is also stored in this directory.
    Folder in the Mounting DirectoryCorresponding Path in ContainerDescription
    conf/usr/local/agent/confStores configuration files of the ops_agent component.
    logs/usr/local/agent/logsStores log files of the ops_agent component.
    resources/usr/local/agent/resourcesStores resource files.
    Folder in the Mounting DirectoryCorresponding Path in ContainerDescription

    Stores MySQL executables, such as mysql and mysqld for starting, stopping, and managing MySQL services.


    It is a data directory storing the actual data files of MySQL database, including table data, indexes, and so on.

    It usually contains a mysql subdirectory storing the data files of the MySQL database and other user-created databases.

    log/var/log/mysqlStores log files that record various activities and events.
    Folder in the Mounting DirectoryCorresponding Path in ContainerDescription

    Stores configuration files of Elasticsearch, such as elasticsearch.yml

    These files contain various parameters of Elasticsearch, such as node name, cluster configuration, and network settings.


    It is a data directory storing Elasticsearch data such as index data, document data, and log data.

    It usually contains a nodes subdirectory, in which each node has a subdirectory for data storage.


    It is a log directory storing the log files of Elasticsearch.

    These log files include startup logs, logs during indexing, error logs, and so on.


    Contains the installed Elasticsearch plugin.

    The Elasticsearch plugin is usually extracted into this directory during installation.


    Stores sensitive information and security-related files that are used to configure security functions and manage credentials.

    Folder in th Mounting DirectoryCorresponding Path in ContainerDescription

    Stores configuration files of NGINX, such as nginx. conf.

    These files contain parameters such as NGINX virtual host, reverse proxy, load balancing, and cache settings.


    It is a log directory storing NGINX logs such as access logs and error logs.

    The access log records the details of each request, and the error log records the error messages that NGINX encountered while processing the request.

    lua/usr/local/nginx/luaIt is used to enable the Lua module and contains Lua script files used to customize the NGINX behavior.
    Folder in the Mounting DirectoryCorresponding Path in ContainerDescription

    It is a data directory storing the persistent data of Redis, including the data files and persistent files (such as RDB and AOF files) during host-client synchronization.

    It usually contains the dump. rdb file and the appendonly. aof file.

    Folder in the Mounting DirectoryCorresponding Path in ContainerDescription

    It is a data directory storing data of the MinIO server.

    All objects uploaded to MinIO are stored in this directory and organized by bucket and object key.


    主题: New Project Deployment
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