Server Configuration Confirmation

  • Last update: 2024-07-10
  • Overview 

    FineOps supports the deployment of FineBI 6.1 projects.

    This article provides recommended server configurations for scenarios mainly involving extracted data. If the FineBI project uses direct-connected data only, you can reduce the memory of the worker component properly, exchange the memory configurations of the bi-web and the worker components, and keep the other configurations unchanged.

    Ensure that the server meets the minimum configuration requirements, and then choose the appropriate deployment plan and the memory and CPU configurations for nodes according to the data volume and the number of daily active users of the project.

    The nodes are described in the following table.




    BI business node
    MasterEngine metadata node
    WorkerEngine computing node
    MinIOData storage node

    Minimum Configuration  

    Basic Configuration 


    Lowest Requirement

    Operating System TypeLinux
    Operating System ArchitectureX86_64
    Operating System KernelVersion 3.10 and above
    Operating System Software

    Recommended: Ubuntu 22 


    • Ubuntu 18.04.4 and later releases (Ubuntu 20.04 is not supported.) 

    • CentOS 7.3 to 7.9

    • Red Hat 7.6 and later releases

    Basic Configuration 

    1. Prepare two new servers for deploying FineBI projects.

    Prepare an additional server for deploying FineOps, which is listed in the table for reference and not part of FineBI resources.

    You can use the df-h command to query the disk space. There must be a partition that meets the condition. 

    Server Type

    CPURemaining Free Physical MemoryRemaining Free Disk SpaceDeployment Content
    Main application server

    16 cores

    64 GB500 GB

    One bi-web component, one worker component, one master component, and one bi-minio component

    300 GB of disk space is enough if you don't deploy the bi-minio (data storage) component.

    Component server4 cores16 GB50 GBThe nginx component, the configuration database, the elasticsearch component, and the cluster component
    FineOps server4 cores16 GB120 GBThe ops component

    2. Prepare two servers if there are insufficient resources and deploy both the ops component and some FineBI components on the component server.

    You can use the df-h command to query the disk space. There must be a partition that meets the condition. 

    Server TypeCPUAvailable Physical MemoryAvailable Disk Space Deployment Content
    Main application server16 cores64 GB500 GB

    One bi-web component, one worker component, one master component, and one bi-minio component

    300 GB of disk space is enough if you don't deploy the bi-minio (data storage) component.

    Component server8 cores32 GB150 GBThe nginx component, the configuration database, the elasticsearch component, the cluster component, and the ops component

    CPU Clock SpeedMinimum 2.5 GHz
    Disk Type

    For data storage components and clustered file service components, the disk type must be XFS to use the FineOps-deployed minio component. A non-XFS disk might result in data write failure even with available disk space.


    If an Alibaba Cloud server is used, the default disk type is not XFS. Modify it.

    This operation may involve disk formatting. FanRuan does not provide related guidance. Proceed cautiously under the guidance of your server vendor.

    Disk Performance

    The minimum sustained transfer rate must be at least 400 MB/s, meaning the disk can transfer a minimum of 400 MB of data per second.

    The random IOPS (4K) must be greater than 20,000, meaning the disk can perform at least 20,000 read/write operations on 4 KB data blocks per second. 

    The sequential IOPS (1024K) must be greater than 315.5 MB, meaning the disk can transfer at least 315.5 MB of blocks per second.

    Intranet LatencyLess than 1 ms
    Server BandwidthGreater than 2.5 Gbps (312.5 MB/s)

    User Permission 

    You need to provide the server username and password for project deployment and operation. Check in advance whether the server user's permissions meet the requirements.   

    • You are advised to use the root user account for project deployment and operation.

    • To use a non-root user account for project deployment and operation, ensure this account has at least permissions for the following commands:

    Permission NameApplication Scenario

    Used to execute multiple commands requiring sudo permissions at once.


    sed cp


    Used to modify some configuration files and kernel parameters, mainly to modify the sysctl.conf file in the /etc directory.

    If the parameter values are already set to target values, executing corresponding commands will not modify the values but will make these parameters effective.

    The parameters include vm.max_map_countnet.bridge. bridge-nf-call-iptablesnet.ipv4.conf.all. forwardingnet.ipv4.ip_forward, and vm.overcommit_memory.


    Used to disable paging spaces to improve performance.

    rmUsed to clean up residual files in case of deployment failure or other scenarios.
    killUsed to reload Docker processes with updated configuration files.



    Used to install Docker and components.
    • Docker is temporarily installed in the user's /home directory and finally installed in the /usr/bin directory. 

    • The components are installed in the project mounting directory you specified, and docker data is stored in the same directory.



    Used to add the Docker user group and add the current user to the Docker user group.

    Used to add the br_netfilter module required for Docker network communication.

    You only need to use the modprobe command if the br_netfilter module is not loaded.

    systemctl Used to control the docker service to start.
    sudoUsed to enable the use of the sudo -l command to check if a command has sudo permissions.

    Edit the sudoers file in the /etc directory. Ensure to perform the follwoing two steps.



    Modify the user's sudo permissions.

    1. Allow the user account (your username) to execute subsequent configuration commands with sudo permissions as a root user on any host computer. 

    Username     ALL=(root) /bin/sh,/bin/mkdir,/bin/rm,/bin/cp,
    /usr/bin/echo,/ usr/bin/sed,/usr/sbin/swapoff,/bin/sudo

    2. (Optional) Configure sudo permissions on NOPASSWD if you still lack permissions.

    Username     ALL=(root)NOPASSWD: (root) /bin/sh,
    Disable the requiretty option for the user.Comment out the original requiretty-related content.

    Ensure that your username does not require a TTY session to execute sudo commands. Otherwise, you cannot use sudo commands through scripts/remote commands.

    #Defaults: requiretty

    The following is an example of the sudoers file. 

    The content is for reference only. Do not use it to overwrite the original file content. Modify the items one by one referring to the above steps.
    # User privilege specification
    root    ALL=(ALL:ALL)       ALL

    # Defaults requiretty

    # Allow the user to run specific commands as root
    Username     ALL=(root) /bin/sh,/bin/mkdir,/bin/rm,/bin/cp,/bin/systemctl,/bin/kill,

    Recommended Configuration 

    This section provides recommended deployment plans and server configurations based on the common number of daily active users and tables.

    1. For FineOps-deployed FineBI projects, a master component must be deployed. The bi-web and worker components can only be deployed in a ratio of 1:1 or 1:2. The node number ratio cannot be customized.

    2. Increase the number of engine nodes if you need to split the read and write operations. To ensure the highly available service, the number of engine nodes must be at least two.

    Number of Daily Active Users

    Number of Tables (including basic tables and analysis tables)

    Deployment Plan

    Server Configuration (The component server and the FineOps server can be the same server in case of insufficient resources.)

    Less than 100

    10,000 tables

    10 million rows of data

    One bi-web component, one worker component, one master component, and one bi-minio component

    Main application server:

    One, 16 cores, 64 GB, used to deploy one bi-web component, one worker component, one master component, and one bi-minio component

    Component server (The component server and the FineOps server can be the same server):

    One, 8 cores, 32 GB, used to deploy the nginx component, the configuration database, the elasticsearch component, and the cluster component


    10,000 tables

    10 million rows of data

    Two bi-web components, two worker components, one master component, and one bi-mino component

    Main application server:

    One, 16 cores, 64 GB, used to deploy one bi-web component, one worker component, one master component, and one bi-minio component

    One, 16 cores, 64 GB, used to deploy one bi-web component and one worker component 

    Component server:

    One, 8 cores, 32 GB, used to deploy the nginx component, the configuration database, the elasticsearch component, and the cluster component


    10,000 tables

    10 million rows of data

    Two bi-web components, two worker components, one master component, and one bi-mino component

    Main application server:

    One, 24 cores, 96 GB, used to deploy one bi-web component, one worker component, one master component, and one bi-minio component

    One, 24 cores, 96 GB, used to deploy one bi-web component and one worker component 

    Component server:

    One, 12 cores, 48 GB, used to deploy the nginx component, the configuration database, the elasticsearch component, and the cluster component


    10,000 tables

    10 million rows of data

    Two bi-web components, two worker components, one master component, and one bi-mino component

    Main application server:

    One, 32 cores, 128 GB, used to deploy one bi-web component, one worker component, one master component, and one bi-minio component

    One, 32 cores, 128 GB, used to deploy one bi-web component and one worker component 

    Component server:

    One, 16 cores, 64 GB, used to deploy the nginx component, the configuration database, the elasticsearch component, and the cluster component


    50,000 tables  

    100 million rows of data

    Three bi-web components, three worker components, one master component, and one bi-mino component

    Main application server:

    One, 48 cores, 192 GB, used to deploy one bi-web component, one worker component, one master component, and one bi-minio component

    One, 48 cores, 192 GB, used to deploy one bi-web component and one worker component One, 48 cores, 192 GB, used to deploy one bi-web component and one worker component 

    Component server:

    One, 24 cores, 96 GB, used to deploy the nginx component, the configuration database, the elasticsearch component, and the cluster component



    100,000 tables 

    100 million rows of data

    Three bi-web components, three worker components, one master component, and one bi-mino component

    Main application server:

    One, 64 cores, 256 GB, used to deploy one bi-web component, one worker component, one master component, and one bi-minio component

    One, 64 cores, 256 GB, used to deploy one bi-web component and one worker component One, 64 cores, 256 GB, used to deploy one bi-web component and one worker component 

    Component server:

    One, 32 cores, 128 GB, used to deploy the nginx component, the configuration database, the elasticsearch component, and the cluster component

    The configuration requirements in the above table must be met because each component of FineBI projects has minimum operational requirements, as shown in the following table.

    ComponentMaximum CPU UsageMaximum Memory UsageMemory Allocation (Xmx)Disk Space


    16 cores 18 GB

    12 GB

    100 GB
    bi-engine-worker16 cores30 GB16 GB100 GB
    bi-engine-master4 cores8 GB6 GB100 GB
    bi-minio (data storage)2 cores4 GB/200 GB
    ops_agent (O&M component)1 core/1 GB/
    filebeat (O&M component)0.1 core0.1 GB//
    elasticsearch (log service)1 core/2 GB50 GB
    nginx  (internal gateway)1 core///
    mysql  (configuration database)2 cores//50 GB
    redis (state service)1 core/4 GB/
    minio (file service)1 core//100 GB


    主题: New Project Deployment
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