

Map Automatic Refresh

  • Last update:  2024-03-05
  • I. Overview

    1. Application scenarios

    Map supports the function of monitoring and refreshing. If the back-stage data changes dynamically, the front-end data can be updated in real time. Take the point map as an example, the effect is as follows:


    Note: when the chart data does not change, the front-end chart will not refresh: except tree structure chart, rectangular tree chart, multi-layer pie chart, Gantt chart and frame chart.

    2. Function

    Select special effects > interaction in the chart property panel to enable the background detection under the monitoring refresh settings, which is turned off by default, we just need to click on, as shown in the figure below:

    II. Steps

    1. Design template

    1) Create a new dashboard, merge cell A1, click Cell Element in the upper right corner , thenInsert chart > Map (new feature), apply Point Map, and zoom the center point. The initial state is the default, as shown in the figure below:

    2. Data preparation

    Add dataset ds1. The SQL statement is as follows:

    SELECT pid,Sales_Volume,${int(RAND()*100000)}+Sales_Volume as NewSales_Volume FROM Map where pid is not null and pid not in('Tianjin City')order by random()limit 10

    3. Setting chart data

    Select the chart and select theData in the right property panel, as shown in the figure below:

    4. Setting chart style

    Select the chart, select Style > Series on the right, select Custom Combination for color matching, and select Scatter for marking point style, as shown in the following figure:

    5. Setting chart effects

    Select the chart, click Special Effects >Interaction > Monitor Refresh, select 5 seconds as the time interval, check Auto Tooltip, and set the text and duration, as shown in the figure below:

    6. Preview effect

    Save the template and click Pagination Preview. The pc preview effect is as follows:


    Mobile terminal:


    III. Template download

    Completed template, see %fr_HOME%\webapps\webroot\WEB-INF\reportlets\doc-EN\Chart\Map\PointMap_Monitoring _refresh.cpt

    Click download template: 


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    Theme: Chart
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