Homepage Management

  • Last update:December 18, 2020
  • I. Overview

    1) After logging in the online demo platform as an Admin, we can see two types of Homepage: Directory and Manage

    •  Directory Homepage: the page displayed after logging in the decision-making platform. Usually, an enterprise will use its own official website or a dashboard that reflects the state of business as Directory Homepage.

    •  Manage Homepage: visible to the Admin only, the navigation of common management functions, such as user management, directory management and authorization.

    2) Normal users cannot see Manage Homepage as they have no management permissions. Normal users can see Directory Homepage, which is by default blank and should be set by the Admin. If the Admin authorizes the right to manage some functions to a normal user, then the normal user becomes a sub-admin who can see Manage Homepage.

    3) You may refer to User ManagementDirectory ManagementAuthorization.

    II. Directory Homepage

    1. Jump to Directory Homepage by default after logging in the decision-making platform

    If you have downloaded the installation package from the official website, the default Directory Homepage is the official website of FineReport.



    2. Directory Homepage is set in [Directory]

       1) Select [Manage] > [Directory].

       2) Click [Manage Homepage] to display the default Home page.

       3) Select Homepage to view its settings. It is set through a web page link.

    3. Modify the Admin’s Directory Homepage

       1) Select Homepage.

       2) Modify Homepage Type to [Template] in the right-hand pane, only set the homepage displayed after logging in on a PC, choose a template and click [Save].


       3) Select [Directory], the Directory Homepage has changed to the template above.



    4. Directory Homepage displayed to normal users by default

       1) Create a new user Joe and set the user as a development engineer at Development Department.


       2) Log in the platform with Joe’s account and you will see a blank homepage.



    5. Set Directory Homepage for normal users

       1) Login in as an Admin and click [Permission].

       2) Select [Permission Configuration] and click [All Departments].

       3) Click on the plus icon preceding [Platform Homepage] to display all homepages, and then click on the icon  after Home page to enable view permissions.


       4) Joe can see Directory Homepage after login



    6. Add a Directory Homepage

       1) Log in as an Admin and click [Manage Homepage].

       2) Click [Add Homepage].


       3) Create a new homepage named Home Page 2, set Homepage Type as Platform Directory and choose a directory.


       4) Then, Home Page 2 appears under [Manage Homepage], click it and modify it in the right-hand pane, and finally click [Save] to effect the modification.


    7. Set different Directory Homepages for normal users

     1) Create a new user Stella and set the user as a financial staff at Financial Department.


    2) Set the homepage visible to Financial Department as Home Page 2.


    3) After login, Stella sees a homepage different from the one Joe sees.

    III. Manage Homepage

    1. Manage Homepage is visible to the Admin by default

       1) Click [Common Settings] on the right to jump to the corresponding management column.


       2) Click [User] to jump to the [User] column. You can try clicking other links to view the corresponding jump effects.


    2. Modify the global setting of permissions

     1) Select [Permission].

    2) Click on the icon  to display the global setting interface.


     3) Enable [Hierarchical Authorization] and [Edit Directory] and click [Save]. Following this step, the Admin can set a normal user as a sub-admin.



    3. Authorize a normal user as a sub-admin

       1) Click [Permission Configuration] in [Permission].

       2) Click [User] and choose Stella.

       3) Click [Personnel Management], click on the icon  after “Financial department” to authorize Stella to manage financial staff.


       4) Click [Directory Permissions] and click on the icon  in the [Authorize] column after [Platform Directory] to authorize Stella to manage all directories, but not homepages.


       5) Click [Manage] and click on the icon   in the [Authorize] column after [Directory] and [User] to authorize Stella to access the two management items.


       6) Log in with Stella’s account, click [Manage] to display Manage Homepage, which displays the links of the two management items to which she has permissions.


       7) Click [User] to jump, only financial staff are displayed.


       8) Click [Directory] to jump, only the contents under Manage Directory can be modified and the content in Manage Homepage is not visible.


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