Directory Management

  • Last update:December 30, 2020
  • I. Overview

    1) Directory tree resembles a file system in your PC and managing multi-level directory tree enables administrators to group and organize reports.

    2) After entering the Decision-making Platform, you can click corresponding directory name to expand all reports under that category. 

    II. Steps

    1. Enter Directory Management.

    1) Click [Server]>[Platform Management]

    2) Log in to the Decision-making Platform as the administrator. Click [Manage] > [Directory].

    2. Add a directory

    1) Choose a target parent node to add a directory, and then click [Add Directory]

    2) Set the directory in the pop-up dialog.

    • Enter the directory name.

    •  Add the description of the directory (not required).

    • Select the display terminals of the directory. By default, the directory should be visible via PC, Tablet and Mobile terminals. 

    3. Edit a directory

    1) Select the target directory.

    2) You can modify the name, description and display terminal of the directory on the right. After modification, click [Save] in the upper right corner. 

    4. View the effect of a newly added directory in the Directory tab.

    Switch from [Manage] to [Directory], you can view the newly added directory here. 

    5. Adjust directory structure

    1) The order of directory can be changed by clicking the directory, keeping the left mouse button pressed while moving the directory, and then releasing the directory.

    2) Directories can be moved as parallel to other directories or under other parent directories. If they are moved to another parent directory, their attributes will be changed to those of the parent directory. 

    6. Delete a directory

    1) When the mouse hovers over a directory, the [] icon will appear on the right side of the directory. You can click the icon and OK to delete the directory.

    2) If you delete a directory with subdirectories and templates, all subdirectories and templates will also be deleted. 

    7. Delete directories in bulk

    1) Click the [] icon on the right side of the Directory tab, and select Bulk Delete.

    2) A checkbox will appear in front of each directory, and you can choose the directories to be deleted.

    3) Click the [] icon on the top of the Directory tab, and choose OK to perform the bulk deletion. 

    4) To cancel Bulk Delete, click the [Complete] button. 

    8. Search for directory or template

    Enter text in the search box to search for a certain directory or template.



    • The searching is case sensitive.

    • Searching range does not include "Manage Homepage" or "Manage Directory"

    • Bulk delete is not enabled under searching status.

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