

Extended Chart - Catalog Gear

  • Last update:  2020-12-09
  • I. Overview

    Carousel Catalog Gear in the “Extended Chart” shows important index data in a carousel way.

    You will learn
    • Steps

      • Add a Carousel Catalog Gear

      • Prepare data

      • Set the “Data” for the chart

      • Set the theme color

      • Set BG style

      • Final effect

    II. Steps

    1. Add a Carousel Catalog Gear

    1) Click [Floating Element] > [Chart], and select [Extended Chart-Others] > [Carousel Catalog Gear].

    2) Adjust the size of the chart


    2. Prepare data

    Create a new built-in dataset [ds1], add 2 data columns [Year] and [Sales Volume], and insert 4 rows of data, to show the sales volumes in different years.



    3. Set the “Data” for the chart

    1) Set the “Data” for the chart as shown in the figure below. Input after the “Theme Name”: Sales Volume


    2) The location of these data is as follows under a preview mode:

        a) Theme name

        b) Node name

        c) Node content

    4. Set the theme color

    1) Select [Style]>[Graphics], and set the theme color. The theme color is “azure” by default. In this example, the theme color remains “azure”.


    2) You can set the theme color as “pink”. 


    5. Set BG style

    Click [BG] tab. Similar to cells, the background can be filled with color, gradient color, texture or picture. By default, the background is filled with color. The background color is “black” by default. In this example, the background color remains “black”.

    6. Final effect



    Download template

    Carousel Catalog Gear.cpt

    Attachment List

    Theme: Chart
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