Conditional Summary

  • Last update:  2020-12-10
  • I. Overview

    Hierarchical coordinates can be used to count all eligible data by criteria. This documents covers two scenarios:

    • To count financial data

    • To count grades

    II. To count financial data [ds1]

    1. Create a new dataset

    a) Create a new database query

    b) Make an inquiry on the financial data of 2010 and 2011 using the following SQL statement:



    2. Design report format

    a) Drag [Year], [Month] and [Assets] of [ds1] to B3~D3.

    b) Type a title in B2~D2.

    c) Preview



    3. Count by criteria

    a) Combine B4 and C4, and type in the statement: The number of month where the assets exceed 40:

    b) Type the following function in D4: COUNT(C3{D3>40}). It means to count the number of months with assets greater than 40.


    c) Set B3 as the left parent cell of D4 to enable the function in D4 to count by the years of 2010 and 2011 respectively.



    4. Preview



    5. Download the template

    Conditional Summary1.cpt 

    III. To count multiple columns of data

    1. Create a new dataset [ds1]

    a) Create a new report and start a new database query

    b) Make an inquiry on all the grades of every course of every student in Class 4 using the following SQL statement:



    2. Design report format

    a) Drag [NAME], [COURSE] and [GRADE] of [ds1] to B3, C2, and C3. 

    b) Set C2 to expand horizontally.


    c). Preview


    3. Count by criteria

    a) Type the following statement in D2: Number of courses with grade below 60. Type the following function in D3: COUNT(C3{C3 < 60}). It means to count the number of courses with grades lower than 60.

    b) Set B3 as the left parent cell of D3 to enable the function in D3 to count all courses.



    4. Preview



    5. Download the template

    Conditional Summary2.cpt

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