Chart Linkage in General Report

  • Last update:December 09, 2020
  • I. Overview

    1) The chart linkage feature enables users to simply click on a series/category of charts to change the associated contents.

    2) There's a slight difference between setting linkages in dashboards and general reports. For dashboards, go to Special Effect -> Interaction -> Hyperlink and add Current Form Object, to achieve Component Linkage of Dashboard; general reports rely on Dynamic Parameters and Linkage Cell (Floating Element) to implement this function. This article highlights on the chart linkage in general reports, including chart-to-chart and chart-to-report linkages.

    3) For more information, please refer to Difference between Chart hyperlink and Cell hyperlink, Component Linkage of Dashboard, Cell Hyperlink and Dataset Parameter

    You will learn
    • Chart-to-report Linkage

      • Report Design

      • Set Hyperlinks

      • Preview Results

    • Chart-to-chart  Linkage

      • Report Design

      • Set Hyperlinks

      • Preview Results

    • Reference Template Downloads

    II. Chart-to-report Linkage

    This article takes a floating column chart as an example. The settings of a cell chart are the same.

    1. Report Design

    1) Create a new general report. Add a DB query named "ds1" with the following SQL query:

    SELECT * FROM Sales_Volume


    2) Create a new DB query "ds2", and type in the SQL query as below:

    SELECT * FROM Sales_Volume WHERE Salesperson='${person}'


    The default value of parameters can be left as empty.

    3) Go to Insert -> Floating Element -> Insert Chart to insert a floating column chart, and adjust to an appropriate size. Switch to Data and use ds1 for data binding, i.e. select Salesperson for Category, Sales_volume for Value, and Sum for Summary Method.


    4) Switch to Style and click on Title, type in "Sales of Each Person" as the chart title.


    5) Insert a table below the floating chart. Select 4 fields from Salesperson to Sales_Volume in ds2, and drag and drop them into cell A22 to D22.


    6) Add headings on row 21 and adjust the style.


    2. Set Hyperlinks

    1) Double click on the chart, and switch to Special Effect -> Interaction on the right-side panel, then add a Dynamic Parameter in Hyperlink.


    2) For the dynamic parameter, use the parameter "person" from ds2,  choose Formula as its type and input "CATEGORY" as its value. This is to assign the category value of the chart (i.e. Salesperson) to the parameter "person" in ds2.



    • The parameter name to be passed should be consistent with the one set in the linked element.

    • The parameter value can be CATEGORY, SERIES, VALUE and AREA_NAME, all of them will be recognized as parameters in Formula. In the case of multiple category names, there is an array of categories you can use when setting the value.

    3. Preview Results

    Save and preview. The table will display the corresponding data when clicking on any of the categories (Salesperson).


    III. Chart-to-chart  Linkage

    This article takes a floating column chart as an example. The settings of a cell chart are the same.

    1. Report Design

    1) Create a new general report. Add a DB query named "ds1" with the following SQL query:

    SELECT * FROM Sales_Volume


    2) Create a new DB query "ds2", and type in the SQL query as below:

    SELECT * FROM Sales_Volume WHERE Salesperson='${person}'


    The default value of parameters can be left as empty. 

    3) Go to Insert -> Floating Element -> Insert Chart to insert a floating column chart, and adjust to an appropriate size. Switch to Data and use ds1 for data binding, i.e. select Salesperson for Category, Sales_volume for Value, and Sum for Summary Method.


    4) Click on Style -> Title and type in ['Sales of Each Product of' + $person] as the chart title. 'Sales of Each Product of' is a constant part in the title, but $person will take the current value of parameter "person" for display.


    5) Insert a second floating column chart below the first one, and adjust its size. Right-click on it and select Set Floating Element Name, here we can see its name is "Float2".

    6) Switch to Data and use ds2 for data binding, select Product for Category, Sales_volume for Value, and Sum for Summary Method.


    7) Click on Style -> Title to input "Sales of Each Product" as the chart title.



    2. Set Hyperlinks

    1) Double click the first chart, and on the right side switch to Special Effect -> Interaction, and add a Hyperlink: Linkage Floating Element.

    2) When setting up the hyperlink, select Float2 (the second column chart) as the Floating Element. Use the parameter "person" from ds2, choose Formula as its type and input "CATEGORY" as its value. This is to assign the category value of the chart (i.e. Salesperson) to the parameter "person" in ds2.



    • The parameter name to be passed should be consistent with the one set in the linked element.

    • The parameter value can be CATEGORY, SERIES, VALUE and AREA_NAME, all of them will be recognized as parameters in Formula. In the case of multiple category names, there is an array of categories you can use when setting the value

    Note: in the case to link a cell chart, you add Hyperlink: Linkage Cell. Then set the position of the related cell chart as well as its parameter info.



    3. Preview Results

    Save and preview. The chart below will be switched to show the corresponding data when clicking on any categories of the first chart.



    IV. Reference Template

    The chart-to-report linkage template:



    The chart-to-chart linkage template:


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