

Difference Between Chart Hyperlink and Cell Hyperlink

  • Last update:  2020-12-18
  • I. Overview

    The [Hyperlink] and its subtypes can be selected under the chart interaction attributes and cell attributes. In both cases, the hyperlinks and its subtypes are displayed similarly, but used differently, which will be explained here.

    You will learn
    • Details

      • Chart Hyperlinks

      • Cell Hyperlinks

    II. Details

    1. Chart Hyperlinks

    Under the [Special Effect]>[Interaction]>[Hyperlink], there are several types of hyperlinks.

    Chart hyperlinks are used to link chart contents to other elements. For example, link a chart to a chart/report, or drill a chart down to a chart/report.

    • In a Dashboard: Types of Hyperlinks include: Web Report, Email, Web Link, Dynamic Parameters, JavaScript, Chart Hyperlink-Floating Chart and Current Dashboard Object. Where:

    • In a normal report: Types of Hyperlinks include: Web Report, Email, Web Link, Dynamic Parameters, JavaScript, Chart Hyperlink-Floating Chart, Hyperlink: Linkage Cell and Hyperlink: Linkage Floating Elements. Where:

      • The linkage effect is achieved via [Dynamic Parameters, Hyperlink: Linkage Cell and Hyperlink: Linkage Floating Elements]. For details, please refer to  Chart Linkage.

      • The drilling effect is achieved via [Web Report], which works in the same way as Chart Hyperlink to Network Report.


    2. Cell Hyperlinks

    Under the [Hyperlink] of a cell, there are several types of hyperlinks.

    Cell hyperlinks are used to link the whole cell to other elements. For example, jump from a cell to the chart/report.

    • In a Dashboard: Types of Hyperlinks include: Web Report, Email, Web Link, Dynamic Parameters, JavaScript, Chart Hyperlink-Floating Chart and Current Dashboard Object. Where:

      • The linkage effect is achieved via [Current Dashboard Object].

      • The drilling effect is achieved via [Web Report], which works in the same way as Chart Hyperlink to Network Report.


    • In a normal report: Types of Hyperlinks include: Web Report, Email, Web Link, Dynamic Parameters, JavaScript, Chart Hyperlink-Floating Chart, Chart Hyperlink-Link Cell and Chart Hyperlink-Floating Element. Where:


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