Basic Settings of Hyperlinks

  • Last update:December 02, 2020
  • I. Overview

    1) In a common web page, you can jump to another page or send an E-mail automatically after clicking on a hyperlink. In addition to these common functions, FineReport’s hyperlinks also enable pop-up windows, drill-down, linkage, text changes and other effects.

    2) FineReport offers eight types of hyperlinks, and more than one hyperlink can be inserted into a cell.

    3) This article introduces how to insert hyperlinks into a cell and the preview the effect. For details on how to use various hyperlinks, please see other articles in this section.

    II. Steps

    1. Insert hyperlinks into a cell

    1) Method 1: click B2 and click  in the right-hand pane. 

    2) Method 2: right-click B2 and select Hyperlink.

    2. Select the type of the hyperlink

    1) Click  image.png to display a drop-down box, where eight types of hyperlinks are available. How to use these hyperlinks will be described in other articles in this section.


    2) Choose any three types of hyperlinks to be inserted into B2.


    3) A red triangle appears at the top-left corner of B2, indicating that hyperlinks have been inserted into the cell.


    3. Copy a hyperlink

    1) Method 1: select any of the hyperlinks and click   on the top to get a copy, which can be set in the same way as the original one.


    2) Method 2: right-click any of the hyperlinks and select Copy.



    4. Sort the hyperlinks

    1) Select a hyperlink and click   and   on the top to move the hyperlink up or down.


    2) Select any of the hyperlinks and click , then the hyperlinks will be sorted alphabetically in ascending order (A-W).

    5. Rename the hyperlinks

    1) Double-click any of the hyperlinks to modify its name and then press the Enter button to complete the modification.


    6. Remove a hyperlink

    1) Method 1: select any of the hyperlinks and click    to remove it.


    2) Method 2: right-click any of the hyperlinks and select Remove.


    7. Preview

    1) Input the text “Click me” in B2. After inserting the hyperlink, the text is automatically colored in blue and underscored.

    2) Preview. Click on “Click me” to show a dropdown box, which displays the three hyperlinks inserted into B2, sorted in the order as in the right-hand pane.


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