Chart Hyperlink Float Element

  • Last update:December 02, 2020
  • I. Overview

    1) Hyperlink enables linkage among float elements. Float elements include texts, charts, images and formulas.

    2) Chart hyperlink enables linkage among multiple float elements. 

    II. Steps

    1. Create new datasets

    1) Create a new dataset [ds1] and type the following SQL statement:

    SELECT * FROM Sales_Volume

    2) Create a new dataset [ds2] and type the following SQL statement:

    SELECT * FROM Sales_Volume WHERE region='${region}'

    3) Drag the data column [region] in ds1 into B2 and change the cell style.

    2. Add float element

    1) In the right-hand pane, click Add Float Element. Select Insert Chart and a Chart Type window pops up. Change the chart type to Pie Chart and select the first style.

    2) Configure the following settings in the right-hand pane: [Dataset: ds2], [Category: None], [Series Name: Salesperson], [Value: Sales_Volume], [Summary Method: Sum], and resize the cell.

    3. Add hyperlink

    1) Click on B2, select Add Hyperlink and then click + to add Chart Hyperlink-Float Element.

    2) Related float element: float0

    3) Parameter: region. Type: formula. Value: B2.

    4. Preview

    1) In the Preview mode, because no cell is selected, no parameter will be passed and no chart will be displayed.

    2) If you click North China or East China, values in the corresponding cell will be passed to D3 and then the sales chart will be displayed.

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