API for Getting and Setting Cell Value

  • Last update:February 14, 2022
  • getCellValue


    Get the value of a specific cell, the parameter can be the cell address or the cell row and column number


    address: string

    row: number, col: number

    sheetindex:Fill in the sheetindex number, starting from 0, if omitted, the default is the first sheet

    address:Cell address, string, such as 'A1', specifying sheet is not supported when using cell address

    row:Cell row number,number

    col:Cell column number,number

    Return valuevoid

    Example 1: If the obtained report block object is defined as report , get the value of cell A1

    Cell address method:


    Cell row and column numbers method:


    Example 2: In a general report, get the value of cell A1 by cell address


    Example 3: Get the value of cell A1 in the second sheet under the data entry preview


    Example 4: In the dashboardt, get the value of cell A1 of report0 report block by cell address




    Click the button to get the value of cell A1:

    Click to download the template: 

    Get cell value.cpt


    MobileOnly support general report "Data Entry Preview"



    Assign a value to a specific cell, the parameter can be the cell address or the cell row and column number


    address: string

    row: number

    col: number

    value: string

    sheetindex:Fill in the sheetindex number, starting from 0, if omitted, the default is the first sheet

    address:Cell address, string, such as 'A1', does not support specifying sheet when using cell address

    row:Cell row number, number

    col:cell column number, number

    value: The value to assign the point to the cell, string

    Return valuevoid

    Example 1: If the obtained report block object is defined as report , assign the value of "Order number" to cell A1

    By cell address:

    report.setCellValue("A1","Order number");

    By cell row and column number:

    report.setCellValue(1,1,"Order number");

    Example 2: Assign the value of "Order number" to cell A1 in a general report

    _g().setCellValue("A1","Order number");

    Example 3: Under the data entry preview, assign the value of "Order number" to cell A1 in the 2 sheets

    _g().setCellValue(1,1,"Order number");

    Example 4: In the dashboard, the A1 cell of the report0 report block is assigned the value "Order number"

    _g().getWidgetByName('report0').setCellValue("A1","Order number");



    Click the button to assign the value "Order Number" to cell A1:

    Click to download the template: 

    Modify cell value.cpt


    MobileOnly support general report "Data Entry Preview"

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