FVS Table Component

  • Last update:November 04, 2023
  • Overview

    This document is applicable to users who have installed the FineVis Data Visualization plugin to learn plugin functions.


    Report Server Version

    Plugin Version

    Functional Change






    Changed some function names.

    Function Description

    If you want to use tables in FVS mode, the Table component is required because the FVS dashboard is designed on the canvas.


    1. This document only introduces the unique functions of the Table component.

    2. Monitor Refresh is supported in the Table component.

    Differences Between Table Component and General Report

    1. Floating element is not supported in the table component.

    2. Widgets cannot be added in the table component cell.

    3. Insert Sub Report is not supported in the table component cell.

    4. Widget attribute is not supported when a conditional attribute is added to the table component cell.

    5. Widgets cannot be copied from a CPT template and pasted into the table component cell for use.

    6. Pixel is the unit of row height and column width in the table component, while millimeter in the general report. One pixel is approximately equal to one-third of one millimeter.

    7. Freeze and Split by Column/Row are supported in the table component. You can click the two icons in the toolbar to set them, as shown in the following figure.

    Function Introduction

    Adding a Component

    Create a FineVis visualization dashboard.

    Add a Table component on the page.

    Editing the Component

    You can click the Edit icon in the top right corner of the component or click Edit Component on the right after selecting the component to edit the table component.

    The table component editing page is shown in the following figure. After editing, you can click Return to FineVis Visualization Dashboard to go back to the canvas with editing results saved automatically.

    Table Adaptation

    You can set the table adaptation under Content > Adaptation. Four supported adaptation methods include Full Height, Horizontally, Horizontally and Vertically, and None.

    Scroll bar is not displayed in the table component by default, which is displayed if you move the cursor over the table and disappears if you move the cursor out of the table.

    Table Toolbar

    You can set table pagination and export in Table Toolbar.

    Four types of button are supported in Toolbar Button, including Pagination Button, Pagination Export Button, Unalterted Export Button, and Zoom in Button. You can set Toolbar Position of these buttons (collapsed by default) after ticking them.

    For details, see FVS Table Toolbar Application.

    Marquee Effect

    You can set the scrolling effect for the table content in the Marquee setting area.

    Getting the Table Data

    You can get the table cell data through the formula Table component name~Cell name set in another component.

    You can retrieve data from components only on the same page.

    For example, enter the formula Table1_Page1~A1 in the title component, which returns all data expanded from cell A1 in the Table1_Page1 component. If you want to retrieve continuous cell data, enter the formula Table1_Page1~A1:B1.

    After Initialization Event

    You can add the After Initialization event in the table component and enter JavaScript codes in the event which only takes effect for this table component.

    For details about how to achieve marquee effect through JS, see FVS Table Marquee.

    FVS Calculation Setting

    Choose Template > FVS Calculation Setting and you can tick Enable Parallel Computing for Report Block (Beta) to enable the function for better calculation efficiency. Use Server Settings is selected by default, in which case Enable Parallel Computing for Report Block (Beta) cannot be ticked.

    Server global settings can be configured under System Management > System Setting > General > Global Setting of Dashboard Calculation in the decision-making platform.


    Tomcat Front-end Error 400


    Sometimes when an FVS template containing a table component is preview, the 400 error occurs on the front-end.


    Tomcat of newer versions (after 7.0.76) performs access pasting strictly following the RFC 3986 specification which defines that URL can contain only letters (a-zA-Z), numbers (0-9), four special characters (- _ . ~), and all allowable characters: ! * ’ ( ) ; : @ & = + $ , / ? # [ ]). If the passed parameter contains characters that are not in the white list of RFC 3986, the 400 error occurs.


    Modify the server file in XML format in the path %Tomcat_HOME%/conf.


    After modification, restart the project.

    Table Adaptation Deformation


    When the plugin is updated to version 1.4.0, the original two table components have been merged into one table component, with the logic of PC Adaptation Attribute changed. In this case, when you open old templates through the plugin of version 1.4.0, the table adaptation in the old templates is invalid and cannot be modified.


    Update the plugin to version 1.4.1. In this case, if you go to PC Adaptation Attribute of the table component in old templates, the adaptation attribute of the table component is changed to Default.

    Default is a new option added for compatibility with the previous adaptation attribute. In this case, you can select another attribute option as needed and click OK. Then re-open the attribute setting box, and the Default option disappears and the adaptation attribute logic remains consistent with that of the plugin of newer versions.

    Template Downloading

    Click to download the template: FVS Table Component Example.fvs

    Attachment List

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