FVS Table Toolbar Application

  • Last update:March 22, 2024
  • Overview

    This document applies to users who have installed the FineVis Data Visualization plugin to learn plugin functions.


    Report Server Version
    Plugin VersionFunctional Change



    Added a table toolbar that supports pagination and export.



    Added Zoom in Button in Table Toolbar. For details, see section "Zooming in the Table."

    Function Description

    In the plugin V1.11.0, Table Toolbar is added. Toolbar buttons will be displayed above the table if you select the corresponding setting (unselected by default) in Table Toolbar.

    · You can achieve page switchover by selecting Pagination Button after setting pagination.

    · You can export the table in Excel format by clicking the Pagination Export icon or Native Export icon.

    · You can click the Zoom in icon to display the table in full-screen with the plugin of V1.17.1 and later versions.

    · You can set the toolbar position to Top or Bottom of the table after selecting the toolbar button.


    Template Preparation

    1. Choose File > New FVS Visualization Dashboard to create a template.

    2. Create a database query ds1 with the SQL query statement SELECT * FROM SALES_BASIC.

    Table Pagination

    Adding and Editing a Table Component

    1. Choose Text > Table in the component area to add a table component to the canvas, and click Edit Component on the configuration panel to go to the editing page.

    2. Enter the table title, drag the fields from the ds1 dataset into the cells, and modify Data Setting of Sales Volume to Summary > Sum.

    3. Click Return to FineVis Visualization Dashboard and select Pagination Button.

    In this case, this dashboard has only one page, and you need to roll down to view the remaining data, as shown in the following figure.

    Setting Pagination

    According to the previous preview, the table content is grouped by the Region field. Go to the table editing page, select the Region cell, and select Paginate After Row. Then the table is paginated by regions. The procedures are shown in the following figure.

    If you want to achieve pagination with a fixed number of rows, use the pagination in Condition Attribute to achieve it instead of selecting Pagination After Row.

    Setting Repeat & Freeze Rows

    After you set pagination, pages after the first page will not have a header until you set the header row to Repeat.

    You can click the Freeze icon in the toolbar above the table, and the Repeat/Freeze settings box will pop up. Set the first row to Repeat and Freeze, as shown in the following figure.

    After setting up, click Return to FineVis Visualization Dashboard.

    Effect Display

    On PC

    Click Preview in the top right-hand corner of the page, and the dashboard is shown in the following figure.

    On Mobile Terminals

    For details, see FVS Mobile Attribute.

    Exporting the Table in Excel Format

    Pagination Export Button and Native Export Button are not supported on mobile terminals.

    If you select Pagination Export Button and Native Export Button in the table toolbar, you can export the content of the table component in Excel format by clicking the icons in the preview.

    The exported Excel file name is Template name_Table component name, while the sheet name is Table component name.

    Pagination Export

    If you use Pagination Export, the exported table content is displayed in a paginated format, with repeated headers.

    Native Export

    If you use Native Export, the exported table content is displayed on one page with only one title row, even if the table component is paginated with repeated headers.

    Zooming in the Table

    Zoom in is not supported on mobile terminals.

    Select Zoom in in Table Toolbar.

    The effect is shown in the following figure.

    Template Download

    Click to download the template: Table Toolbar Application Example.fvs.

    Attachment List

    Theme: FineVis Data Visualization
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