This document is applicable to users who have installed Data Alert plugin to learn how to manage alert tasks.
Application Scenarios
When there are multiple data alert tasks in an enterprise, to avoid duplicate alert tasks and reduce management costs, the super admin can manage the alert tasks created by users.
Data Alert plugin allows users to subscribe to existing public alert tasks, reducing duplicate work and improving work efficiency. It also allows users to monitor and manage the tasks and alert to-dos created by themselves.
Where to Set
1. After installing Data Alert plugin, log in to the decision-making system as a user and select Data Alert to go to the task management page.
You can also click Alert Task Management to go to the task management page.
2. Admins can view the operation records of enabling, disabling, editing, adding, deleting, and executing data alert tasks once under Intelligent O&M > Platform Log > Operation Log, as shown in the following figure.
![1706235991606366.png 1.png](/core/style/lod.png)
Management Permissions of Different Roles
According to the process of creating an alert task, the roles involved can be divided into Creator, Receiver, To-Do Responsible Person, and Super Admin.
Creator: available to manage the alert tasks created by themselves, create/delete alert tasks, view the historical trend chart of a task, check alert to-dos (including their resolution status, estimated resolution time, and notes), and preview templates
Receiver: available to view the historical trend chart of a task, preview templates, and unsubscribe from an alert task (If a user is set as the Receiver in an alert task, the user cannot unsubscribe from the alert task.)
To-Do Responsible Person: available to view to-dos (including their status), handle the tasks, delay them, and set another estimated resolution time.
Super Admin: available to delete alert tasks created by other users and view the status of all tasks (without permission to delete them) in Alert To-Do Center
Managing an Alert Task
1. The creator of an alert task can enable/disable, immediately execute, and delete the alert task, view the historical trend chart of the task, and preview the template in Alert I Created.
Different effects can be displayed according to different triggering conditions in the historical trend chart, as shown in the following table.
Condition | Displayed Content |
More than and Less than | Extreme values, including maximum and minimum values |
Equal to and Not Equal to | Number of values meeting the triggering condition |
More than/Equal to and Less than/Equal to | Extreme values, including maximum and minimum values |
Between and Not Between | Extreme values, including maximum and minimum values |
Contains null and Does not contain null | Number of values meeting the triggering condition |
2. The creator can check the alert to-dos (including the resolution status, estimated resolution time, and notes) triggered by tasks created by themselves in Alert To-Do Center.
The receiver can view the historical trend chart of a task, preview templates, and unsubscribe from an alert task in Received Alert. (If a user is set as the Receiver in an alert task, the user cannot unsubscribe from the alert task.)
To-Do Responsible Person
The to-do responsible person can view tasks (including their related status), handle the tasks, delay them, and set another estimated resolution time in Alert To-Do Center.
1. Solve tasks: Click the solving icon or click Batch Solve to handle the to-dos.
2. Delay tasks: Click the delaying icon or click Batch Delay to set the deadline. After modification, the estimated resolution time of the task is reset, with the status changing to In the process.
3. Add remarks: click the remarks icon to add relevant explanations to a task.
4. Query completed alert tasks: enter the alert name in the search box to query the completed alert tasks.
Super Admin
1. The super admin can delete alert tasks created by other users and view templates and the historical trend chart of an alert task in Alert Created by Other Users.
2. The super admin can view the resolution status and estimated resolution time of relevant tasks in Alert To-Do Center.