Creating an Alert Task

  • Last update:October 16, 2023
  • Overview

    This document is applicable to users who have installed the Data Alert plugin to learn how to create alert tasks.

    Before creating an alert task, see Introduction to Data Alert Plugin Using to learn the functions of the plugin, install it, and configure relevant permissions.

    Before creating an alert task, you need to follow the installation instructions for the Data Alert plugin to enable data alert permissions and report viewing permissions for the alert creator and alert receiver.

    Application Scenarios

    In daily usage, if data exceptions occur, notifications need to be sent to relevant individuals through email, SMS, and other ways.

    In traditional warning, responsible persons for data exceptions are notified through group chats and phone calls, which requires much time and effort for operation and maintenance, and fails to send notifications timely and effectively.

    Therefore, FanRuan has launched the Data Alert plugin, which adds the function of monitoring and warning for chart data based on the traditional warning for form data. The plugin supports two notification methods, including Designated Receiver and Dynamic Receiver, as shown below:

    • Designated Receiver: allows designating a user group, and then all users in the group will receive the alert notification.

    • Dynamic Receiver: allows designating a user group, and then only the person responsible for the data that meets the alert triggering conditions will receive the alert notification.

    In addition to traditional emails and text messages, the Data Alert plugin supports notifications through the platform, client, and applications with custom configurations and allows you to customize the notification content. Various alert notification methods ensure that users can receive timely alerts, thus improving the efficiency of alert notification.

    Example of Cell Data Alert

    Creating an Alert Task

    1. Log in to the decision-making platform with the built-in account (Account: Tom, Password: 123456). Open the Conditional Query and Chart Linkage template in the directory, and  appears in the preview page.

    2. Click the Query button to query the corresponding data, click , and select Create Alert Task.


    3. In the pop-up window, enter Sales Data Alert as the alert name, select the alert object by clicking the highlighted area, and enter Total Sales Amount as the name of the alert object.

    4. Set Alert Condition to Less than 10000.


    5. Set Detection Frequency to detect once 22 minutes past every hour.

    If extracted data cache is used and the detection frequency is higher than the data update frequency, a prompt box pops up, indicating that the detection frequency is too high and bottom data cannot be updated timely. You are advised to select a low-frequency detection.

    6. Set the receiver and notification method.

    • Receiver: Designated Receiver, and select demo(demo) as the receiver user.

    • Notification Method: E-mail, and keep the text content and other content as default.

    7. Set Privacy Setting to Available Only to Myself and Receiver. The responsible person for Alert To-Do Task is demo(demo), and the alert task need to be solved within one day after the alert is triggered.

    8. Save the alert task.


    1. The set alert task in this example: When the total sales amount is less than 10000, an email is sent to user demo(demo) 22 minutes past every hour. You can view the alert email in the receiver's mailbox, as shown in the following figure.

    Email content includes alert name, template location, triggering condition, alert data, and a hyperlink (click to view the report content).

    2. Log in to the decision-making platform with the account of the responsible person for the to-do alert task, go to the Alert To-Do Center tab page, and the relevant to-do task is displayed.

    3. Log in to the decision-making platform with the task creator account, go to the Alert To-Do Center tab page, and the processing status of the relevant to-do tasks is displayed.

    Example of Chart Data Alert

    Creating an Alert Task

    1. Log in to the decision-making platform with the built-in account (Account: Tom, Password: 123456). Open the Conditional Query and Chart Linkage template in the directory, click the Query button to query the corresponding data, click , and select Create Alert Task.

    2. In the pop-up window of data alert, the detailed settings are shown in the following figure:

    Alert Name: Sales Data Alert 2

    Alert Object: The bottom right corner bar chart, and enter the name Total Amount.

    Category: Select All

    Series: Total Amount

    Alert Condition: More than 10000

    3. Set Notification Frequency to 10 minutes past every hour, as shown in the following figure.

    If extracted data cache is used and the detection frequency is higher than the data update frequency, a prompt box pops up, indicating that the detection frequency is too high and bottom data cannot be updated timely. You are advised to select a low-frequency detection.


    4. Set the receiver and notification method as shown in the following figure.

    • Receiver: Designated Receiver, and select demo(demo) as the receiver user.

    • Notification Method: E-mail. Keep the default text content and select Alert Object in Other Content.


    5. Privacy Setting: Available to All

    The responsible person for Alert To-Do Task is demo(demo), and the alert task need to be solved within one day after the alert is triggered.

    6. Save the alert task.


    1. The set alert task in this example: When the total sales amount is more than 10000, an email is sent to user demo(demo) 50 minutes past every hour. You can view the alert email in the receiver's mailbox, as shown in the following figure.

    Email content includes the alert name, template location, triggering condition, alert data, and figure (display the report content).

    2. Log in to the decision-making platform with the account of the responsible person for the to-do alert task, go to the Alert To-Do Center tab page, and the relevant to-do task is displayed.

    3. Log in to the decision-making platform with the task creator account, go to the Alert To-Do Center tab page, and the processing status of the relevant to-do tasks is displayed.

    4. Log in to the decision-making platform as users with the permission to view the report and use data alert, and this alert task is displayed.

    Example of Sending Dynamic Alert to Receivers

    The Data Alert plugin allows associating responsible persons with data when the alert task is created, and notifying only the responsible persons through email or SMS when data exceptions occur. For details, see Introduction to Data Alert Plugin Using.

    This section introduces how to dynamically send alert notifications using Username as the responsible person field.

    Environment Preparation

    1. Admins need to configure users' usernames, names, department positions, roles, email addresses, and mobile numbers in the decision-making platform. For details, see User Management.

    2. During the creation of an alert, other roles need to be selected as receivers, and the personnel management permission (manage the corresponding roles) need to be assigned to users by admins at the same time. For details, see Introduction to Data Alert Plugin Using.

    Report Design

    1. Create a built-in dataset.

    2. Design the report style.

    Mounting the Report

    Save the report and mount it to the decision-making platform.

    If the report is not mounted in the platform, you need to enable Template Authentication to use the data alert function.

    Creating an Alert Task

    1. Select the just created report and click .


    2. Click Create Alert Task and set the task as follows.

    Alert Name

    Sales Data Alert

    Triggering Condition

    Select Sales Data as the alert object and enter the name Sales Data.

    Alert Condition: Send notification when the number in sales data is less than 2400.

    Detection Frequency

    Detect once 32 minutes past every hour.

    3. Go to the Alert Notification setting page and select Dynamic Receiver. You can select the Username column in the report because the content of the selected Username column matches the user information on the platform. When the matched users and the indicators of the user's dimension trigger an alert, the users will receive a notification.

    Therefore, according to the matching rules, select User, click Select Dynamic Receiver, choose the data column Username in the report, and select E-mail as the notification method, as shown in the following figure.

    4. Select Available to All as Privacy Setting. The notifications need to be sent to users only and no alert tasks need to be generated, so untick Generate Alert To-Do Task.


    According to the alert conditions, when the number in sales data is less than 2400, send notification through email to the corresponding users. The report shows that only one data record (East) is less than 2400, so it is necessary to email hanwen. Log in to hanwen's mailbox, and the alert email can be viewed, as shown in the following figure.

    Example of Triggering an Alert Based on Dynamic Time

    Environment Preparation

    Download the Excel file and import it into FR DEMO: Data_Alert_Test.xlsx

    Report Design

    1. Create a report and a data query.

    SQL statement:

    SELECT * FROM Data_Alert_Test where 1=1 ${if(len(starttime)=0,""," and Time>='"+starttime+"'")}${if(len(endtime)=0,""," and Time<'"+endtime+"'")}

    2. Design the report as shown in the following figure.

    3. Go to the parameter panel editing page, add parameters, add a Drop-down Box widget, and the widget name and widget value are shown in the following figure, used to obtain the start and end time of the last month.

    • starttime: DATEINMONTH(MONTHDELTA(TODAY(),-1),1)

    • endtime: ENDOFMONTH(TODAY(),-1)

    4. Double-click cell A2 and add filter conditions: greater than or equal to $starttime and less than $endtime.

    5. Save the report.

    Creating an Alert Task

    Save the report and preview it. Click Query to query the data from the beginning to the end of last month.

    Click  to create an alert task and set the task as shown in the following table.



    Alert Name

    Interval Alert

    Alert Condition

    The interval is greater than 90.

    Detection Frequency

    Detect once five minutes past every hour.


    Select the super admin as Designated Receiver.

    Notification Method

    Platform Notification, keep the default text message.

    Privacy Setting

    Available to All

    Alert To-Do Task

    Tick Generate Alert To-Do Task, select the super admin as Responsible Person, and set to solve it within one day after the alert is triggered.


    The current date is 2023/08/22, so the report query shows the data from 2023/07/01 to 2023/07/30. Log in to the decision-making platform as the super admin to view the related alert notification and alert task. The data that triggers the alert task is from 07/01 to 07/30, as shown in the following figure.

    If you modify the start time and end time in the report for querying, the set alert will not be triggered based on the re-queried data.

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