Dynamically Filtering Data Through Binding the Parameter in Field Filter

  • Last update:July 07, 2023
  • Overview


    FineBI VersionFunctional Change



    Application Scenarios

    Bind numerical type parameters during the process of filtering fields in the component editing interface and bind parameters for the filter component in the dashboard editing interface to pass parameters for fields filtering.

    For example, enter the value 5 in the Numerical Drop-Down Filter Component to filter out the top five Store Number by Sales Volume or enter the value 9 to filter out the top nine.


    Implementation Method

    Bind parameters for fields and filter components to dynamically filter data.

    Procedures are as follows:

    1. Create a component and make a chart.

    2. Create a numerical type parameter and bind the numerical parameter when you filter fields.

    3. Add a dashboard and drag the created component into the dashboard.

    4. Add a Numeric Drop-Down Filter Component, bind the numeric parameter, and tick Custom Value List.


    Creating a Chart

    1. Use the FineBI built-in data Store Sales Statistics to create a new component, and drag Store Number and Sales Volume into Dimensions and Indicators respectively.


    2. Add a numerical type parameter.


    3. Click  > Filter on Store Number in the analysis area.


    4. Add a condition, select the field as Sales Volume(Sum), select the top N, and bind the previously created numerical parameter.


    2. Click Add Dashboard to go to the dashboard editing interface and drag the created component into the dashboard.


    Setting the Filter Component

    1. Add a Numeric Drop-Down Filter Component and tick Custom Value List.


    2. Tick Bind Parameter, click , tick the newly added numerical parameter in the component, and click OK.



    You can enter a number to view the top N sales volume.



    主题: Creating a Dashboard
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