When viewing a dashboard, you may want to change the field to be filtered or need to filter data in multiple components at the same time.
For example, if you want to filter the data in both the Basic information of commodity sales indicator card and the Pareto Analysis of Product Category Sales chart, you can use the filter component since they both use the Pareto Data Analysis table.
Select Northeast and choose the year and month as 2017-7, and the corresponding components will only display the sales volume in the Northeast area in 2017, as shown in the following figure.
FineBI is equipped with built-in filter components including the time filter component, text filter component, value filter component, tree filter component, composite filter component, as well as query and reset components, for you to choose and use as needed.
Basic Functions of Filter Component
Time Filter Component
Text Filter Component
Tree Filter Component
Value Filter Component
Composite Filter Component
Query and Reset Components
Filter Component Applications
Linkage Between Filter Components
Filter Components Controlling Multiple Components
Dynamic Control of Result Value Through Parameters in Calculation Field
Custom Value List
Batch Import of Filter Conditions
Dynamically Calculating the Number of New Additions Within a Certain Time Period
Dynamically Filtering Data Through Binding the Parameter in Field Filter
Dynamically Displaying Data for a Time Period Before and After Filtering Component Values
Day/Week/Month/Year Data Dynamic Display
1. Mobile devices do not support composite filter components and query and reset components.
2. All filter components are placed in the parameter panel during the preview on mobile devices, as shown in the following figure.
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