Jumping to the Dashboard Through Web Link

  • Last update:March 08, 2024
  • Overview

    Application Scenario

    You may wonder how to jump to the dashboard of other users.

    Besides, you may wonder how to jump to the dashboard of other users with values passed. For example, if you click Southeast and jump, the filtering component Region will filter out the relevant data of Southeast by default, as shown in the following figure.

    Function Description

    You can jump to the dashboard of other users by jumping to Public Link of the dashboard.

    Besides, you can pass parameters by adding parameters after jumping.

    For more details about dashboard public links, see Sharing Dashboards Through Public Links.


    If you set the jump to the same project, you can use a relative path to finish the project migration with the original jump disabled in the future.

    For example, if the absolute link is http://localhost:37799/webroot/decision/link/ocNj, the relative path is /webroot/decision/link/ocNj.

    Jumping Without Passing Values

    This example uses the built-in demo dashboard Commodity Pareto Analysis and the data ENdemo_Pareto_Data_Analysis in FineBI.


    1. Use the data ENdemo_Pareto_Data_Analysis to create a table component, as shown in the following figure.

    2. Set a jump for the component, as shown in the following figure.

    3. Copy the public link of the dashboard Commodity Pareto Analysis and paste the public link to Jump to, as shown in the following figure.

    If the dashboard is not yours, you need the owner of the dashboard to share the public link.

    Effect Display

    Click the component to jump to the dashboard Commodity Pareto Analysis.

    Jumping with Passing Values

    You can pass values in two ways.

    1. Pass values through parameters: You can pass the clicked field values to the parameters of the target components. You can only follow this way with direct-connected data. For more details, see [Direct Connection] Transferring Parameters Through the Jumping Function.

    2. Pass values through the filter component. The target component needs to contain a filter component. This document describes this way in detail.

    If you click the field value, the system will pass the value to the filter component of the target dashboard, and you will view the filtered result according to the passed value. Add the following code at the end of the dashboard public link.



    1. Find the text of the filter component in the built-in dashboard Commodity Pareto Analysis. The filter component is a parameter, and the name of the parameter is the same as that of the filter component, as shown in the following figure.

    2. Copy the public link, as shown in the following figure.

    3. Use the table component created in section "Jumping Without Passing Values", click the  icon and select Web Link, paste the public link of Commodity Pareto Analysis to Jump to, and add ?Region=Region(ENdemo_Pareto_Data_Analysis), as shown in the following figure.


    Note: The field Region must be added from Optional Field. You cannot enter the field manually.

    Effect Display

    Click Southeast to jump, and you will see that the value is passed in the target dashboard. The effect is the same as that of selecting Southeast from the drop-down list of the filter component Region.

    The Format of Passed Values Through the Filter Component

    The following table describes the types and grammar of filter components that support passing values.

    Entering Format (Preview URL)Note

    Text drop-down component/

    Text list component

    Value drop-down component/

    Date Series Radio Component


    1. The filter component name and parameter cannot include 

    ,&, ?}, $, {, <>, /, |, \, >, ', ", and `

    2. The date interval component passes two parameters. _s is the start time, and _e is the end time. 

    Multiselect text component/

    Value drop-down component

    URL?filter_component_name=Southeast, North 

    Data interval component/

    Year-month interval component



    Query and Reset

    If you jump to a dashboard that contains the Query and Reset components, you can refer to Query and Reset Components.

    If you enable Auto Query During Preview, the effect of jumping will be displayed without Query clicked. Query needs to be clicked when you pass values through a filter component.

    If you disable Auto Query During Preview, you need to click Query to view the effects of the passed values through parameters or filter components.

    If you click Reset, neither passing parameters through the URL nor filtering through the filter component will take effect.

    If you jump to the dashboard that has set the filter condition of the filter component, Reset will not clean the filter condition automatically until you click Reset manually in the target dashboard.

    Account for Successful URL Jump

    After the successful jump, the data obtained by the dashboard is the intersection of the data filtered by the URL and the data filtered by the default value of the non-pass value filter component.

    If the filter component performs filtering after the jump, the passed value through the URL will be invalid.

    Editing the Component URL

    You can also edit the URL in the dashboard to jump through web links. However, this operation is not advised because the operations on the dashboard after jumping will be saved.


    主题: Creating a Dashboard
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