Importing Users

  • Last update:  2023-05-09
  • Overview


    FineBI Server Version

    Function Change



    Application Scenarios

    • Admins can import the organized user information table into the FineBI system at one time.

    • Admins can import user information, departments, and roles multiple times.

    • Admins can edit, disable, or delete imported users.

    • Users expect the users in the FineBI system to be a collection of multiple datasets.


    • You can create a server dataset based on user information table, and import the user information into the FineBI system. After importing user information, if you want to add or delete users in the server dataset, you need to import the user information manually again. Users in the FineBI system can be a collection composed of multiple datasets.

    • When importing a dataset, if you do not switch the encryption method, the previously added/imported user data will be saved.

    Preparing to Import User Data

    The imported user data comes from Server Dataset, which supports hierarchical and non-hierarchical departments.

    You can choose one of them according to the user structure.

    Data Without Hierarchical Structure — SQL Dataset

    The user information table used in this example has no hierarchical structure between departments and positions. The departments of the imported users are all listed under All Departments.


    1. Preparing a User Information Table

    Prepare a user information table with the structure shown below.

    Click to download the user information table:

    Import User 1.xlsx


    1. When you import users, Username, Name, and Password fields are required, while others are optional.

    2. You can choose mobile numbers from China Mainland, China Taiwan, China Hong Kong, Turkey, South Korea, Japan, Singapore, and Malaysia. The area code for China Mainland phone numbers is not required, while you need to add the area codes for phone numbers from other regions.

    2. Creating a Server Dataset

    Use third-party tools such as Navicat to import the above table into the database, and establish a data connection between the system and the database. The following text will take FRDemo database as an example.

    The admin logs into the FineBI system, clicks Manage > Data Connection > Server Dataset, and creates a SQL Dataset.


    Set Dataset Name to Import User 1, select FRDemo for Data from data connection, and set SQL Sentence as:

    select * from import user1


    Data Without Hierarchical Structure — File Dataset

    The user information table used in this example has no hierarchical structure between departments and positions. The departments of the imported users are all listed under All Departments.


    1. Preparing a User Information Table

    Prepare a user information table with the structure shown below.

    Click to download the user information table:

    Import User 1.xlsx


    1. When you import users, Username, Name, and Password fields are required, while are optional.

    2. You can choose mobile numbers from China Mainland, China Taiwan, China Hong Kong, Turkey, Korea, Japan, Singapore, and Malaysia. The area code for China Mainland phone numbers is not required, while you need to add the area codes for phone numbers from other regions.

    3. You can use TXT/XML files as well. For details about settings, see File Dataset.

    2. Creating a Server Dataset

    Save the table to your computer, or upload it to directory %BI_HOME%\webapps\webroot\WEB-INF\reportlets of the BI project.

    The admin logs into the FineBI system, clicks Manage > Data Connection > Server Dataset, and creates a File Dataset.


    Set Dataset Name to Import User-File and select the above table.


    1. If you choose Server File, you need to select files under the directory %BI_HOME%\webapps\webroot\WEB-INF\reportlets of the BI project.

    If you choose Local File, the file will be automatically saved to the directory %BI_HOME%\webapps\webroot\WEB-INF\reportlets\excel of the BI project after being uploaded.

    2. You can use TXT/XML/remote URL files as well by setting dataset parameters.


    Data with Hierarchical Structure — Tree Dataset

    The user information table used in this example has hierarchical structure between departments and positions. The departments of the imported users are as shown below:


    1. Preparing a User Information Table

    Prepare a user information table with the structure shown below.

    Click to download the user information table:

    Import User 2.xls


    1. When you import users, Username, Name, and Password fields are required, while others are optional

    2. You can choose mobile numbers from China Mainland, China Taiwan, China Hong Kong, Turkey, Korea, Japan, Singapore, and Malaysia. The area code for China Mainland phone numbers is not required, while you need to add the area codes for phone numbers from other regions.

    3. When you synchronize the user dataset, if Server Dataset is Tree Dataset, the top parent department should be Null (not empty value). For example, fid field for Abby is empty.

    4. Departments without users are usable as well, for example, the headquarter that only has subordinate departments but no direct positions or users can still generate Tree Dataset and synchronize users.

    2. Creating a SQL Dataset

    Use third-party tools such as Navicat to import the above table into the database, and establish a data connection between the system and the database. The following text will take FRDemo database as an example.

    The admin logs into the FineBI system, clicks Manage > Data Connection > Server Dataset, and creates a SQL Dataset.


    Set Dataset Name to Import User 2, select FRDemo for Data from data connection, and set SQL Sentence as:

    select * from import user 2


    3. Creating a Tree Dataset

    The admin logs into FineBI system, click Manage > Data Connection > Server Dataset to create a Tree Dataset.


    Set Import User-Hierarchical as Dataset Name. Select Import User 2 as Built from Dataset, did as Original Identity Field, and fid as Parent Identity Field.

    Note: Importing user tree datasets only allows building trees based on the parent identity field of the selected dataset, while does not allow building trees based on the length of the identity field of the selected dataset.


    Importing Users

    The admin logs into FineBI, goes to Manage > User > All Users, and clicks Import User.


    The specific settings are shown in the following table:

    Keep Information


    Tick/Untick Keep Information


    Users that exist in Server Dataset but not on the platform.


    When importing users, update user information to the platform.

    Users that exist on the platform but not in Server Dataset.


    When importing users, the user information on the platform remains unchanged.

    Users that exist in both Server Dataset and the platform;

    The current platform users come from synchronized users.


    If there are duplicate data between imported users and synchronized users, the duplicate data import will fail and will not be updated.

    Users that exist in both Server Dataset and the platform

    The current platform users come from manually added users or imported users.


    Username, Mobile, Mailbox, and Password will be updated by overwriting.

    Dept. and Role will be updated incrementally.

    The result will be the union of the original user information from the platform and the user information in Server Dataset.


    Username, Password, Mobile, and Mailbox will not be updated.

    Dept. and Role will be updated incrementally.

    The result will be the union of the original user information from the platform and the user information in Server Dataset.

    Server Dataset

    Select the Server Dataset corresponding to the user information.

    Field Names

    Username, Name, Password, Dept. Name, Position Name, Role Name, Mobile, and Mailbox are the field names corresponding to Server Dataset.


    1. The user email information configured in user management can be used in conjunction with system management emails, and emails can be directly sent to users' mailboxes on the platform through FineBI system.

    2. After configuring Dept. and Position, the setting cannot be restored to the unselected state. If you want to change the setting, you can only delete it and configurate again.

    3. You can only configure departments for users, but cannot configure positions.

    Encryption Methods

    Note: After successfully imported, the login password is the password in section “Data Without Hierarchical Structure — SQL Dataset”, not the encrypted password in the fine_user table.

    There are two encryption methods: Built-in SHA Encryption and Custom Password Encryption.

    1. Built-in SHA Encryption

    FineBI uses SHA256 encryption to ensure password security.

    When you customize and modify the password through the interface, the password will be automatically encrypted using SHA256.

    2. Custom Password Encryption

    Custom Password Encryption customizes a password encryption class, describing the encryption method in the class, and saving it in the %FineBI%\webapps\webroot\WEB-INF\classes folder.

    FineBI will perform the second SHA256 encryption based on the user's custom encryption algorithm to ensure password security.

    For details about custom encryption examples, see Importing User Password Encryption Settings.


    1. Custom encryption algorithms need to inherit the AbstractPasswordValidator class.

    2. If the encryption method gets changed, the imported or added users, departments, positions, and roles will be cleared, and the admin account will be reset.

    User Management

    Admins can edit, disable, and delete imported users. For details, see Adding Users.



    主题: System Management
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