Target group: Super admins
1. Optimized the function to allow selecting the super admin as the recipient of the
resource handover.
2. Optimized display of the deleted user's username.
For users deleted due to synchronization, they are displayed as username (user ID)
during resource handover.
For users manually deleted from the FineBI system, they are displayed as unknown user (user ID) during resource handover.
When a user departs or changes roles within a company, the dashboards and datasets created by the user need to be handed over to another user for continued use and editing.
Admins can hand over all or part of the datasets and dashboards created by user A to user B in bulk.
Then user B can also use and edit these resources.
Resources in My Analysis and Public Data supports handover.
Transferable resources include folders, analysis subjects, data, components, dashboards, and so on.
In the recipient's FineBI system, a folder is automatically created (as the receiving group) in My Analysis with the name Sender username's Handover Subject.
After resource handover, under the receiving group, the handed-over resources are placed in the same path as the original, and the resource creator is changed to the recipient.
Transferable resources include DB tables, SQL tables, Excel files, and published datasets.
For DB tables, SQL tables, and Excel files, the resource locations remain unchanged before and after the handover. Only the resource creator is changed from the sender to the recipient, so that the recipient can also use and manage these tables.
For the published dataset, the logic of resource handover is the same as that of selecting the corresponding dataset in My Analysis.
Only FineBI design users can perform related operations in My Analysis and Public Data.
Therefore, the recipient of the resources must be a FineBI design user, otherwise the handover fails.
The two users involved in resource handover should have completely consistent permissions for the handed-over resources.
Otherwise, after resource handover, the data probably cannot be used due to inconsistent permissions.
Resource handover for ordinary users means that when a user is not deleted in User Management, the super admin hands over all dashboards and datasets created by the user to another user for use.
In this example, resources created by user Alice need to be handed over to user Anna due to a job transfer.
Log in to FineBI as the admin, choose System Management > Resource Handover, and select ordinary user Alice as the sender.
Selectable users for senders: FineBI design users (include the super admin)
Click the My Analysis tab and select the folders, analysis subjects, data, components, and dashboards created by the user under My Analysis that need to be handed over.
Click the Public Data tab and select the data tables created/published by the user under Public Data that need to be handed over.
Selectable users for recipients: FineBI design users (include the super admin)
Select user Anna as the recipient.
Click OK, and a dialog box pops up with the prompt: Sure to hand over resource of "Alice(Alice)" to "Anna(Anna)"?. Click OK.
After successful handover, a prompt pops up saying "Successful Handover", as shown in the following figure.
1. If the handover fails, a prompt pops up saying "Handover failed due to system exceptions. Detailed exception information has been recorded in the system log.".
2. If there are abnormal resources that cannot be handed over, the system would automatically skip the failed handed-over resources and support continuous handover of the remaining resources.
Recipient user Anna (Anna) logs in to the FineBI system, clicks My Analysis, and views a newly added folder named Alice's Handover Subject which contains all the handed-over resources created by Alice.
Anna can perform operations on the subjects, like editing, deleting, and renaming.
The recipient user Anna (Anna) logs in to the FineBI system and clicks Public Data.
After hovering the cursor on a dataset, Anna can view that the dataset creator has been changed to Anna.
Resource handover for deleted users means that when a user is deleted in User Management, the super admin hands over all dashboards and datasets created by the user to another user for use.
In this example, dashboards created by Eoco need to be handed over to Alice.
Log in to FineBI as the admin, choose System Management > Resource Handover, select a deleted user as the sender, choose the dashboards to be handed over, and select Alice as the recipient.
Users deleted in User Management, but their related resources still in the FineBI system.
The username of the deleted user can be displayed by querying the temporary deleted user table. Unknown user (user ID) would be displayed if the table is not found.
FineBI design users
In FineBI 6.0.2 and later versions, the super admin can be selected as the recipient of resource handover.
2. Click OK, a dialog box pops up with the prompt: Sure to hand over resource of "Unknown user(04b2f694-f1cb-456a-89ce-d5f1e5045125)" to "Alice(Alice)"?. Click OK.
The recipient user Alice (Alice) logs in to FineBI and views the handed-over resources created by the deleted user.
For SQL dataset and database tables, the recipient user needs to have the permission to use the datasets and the corresponding data connection.
Resource handover does not change the status of resource sharing or collaboration.
If the resources are shared/collaborated with other users before the handover, the other users would still have the relevant permissions of the resources after the handover.
For dashboards published or to be published, their original states are unchanged after resource handover, but their related information of the creator is changed to the information of the recipient.
If recipient users do not have the permission to enable public links before resource handover, they need to be assigned the permission of dashboard public links, otherwise the dashboard public links would be disabled.
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