Local Machine Information Authentication Migration Program

  • Last update:June 25, 2023
  • Overview


    FineBI Version

    Functional Change



    Application Scenarios

    1. If the FineBI project needs to migrate servers whose MAC addresses are different,  local machine information authentication migration is required.

    2. If the FineBI project is upgraded to its next major version (such as from V 5.1 to V 6.0), the former lic file needs to be destroyed through the migration tool to generate a new lic file.

    Implementation Method

    You can export information of new servers/projects to send to FanRuan's business personnel, who will generate a new License migration program to send to you.

    You can directly open the program and enter the URL of the original FineBI server. The migration program will automatically unregister the original FineBI server and unlock new FanRuan.lic file.


    You are advised to use a simpler and faster registration method: Local Container Authentication.

    1. Before migrating the License, you need to ensure that the former FineBI project can be started normally on the original server.

    2. A migration tool can only be used for one migration. If you need to migrate again after finishing the migration, contact the business personnel again to obtain a new migration tool.

    3. To run the migration tool (support Windows/Linux/Mac server environments), you only need to upload it to a machine that can communicate with the original server. The business personnel defaults to sending the Windows version of the migration tool.

    4. You cannot migrate the FineBI server with temporary registration (A prompt pops up: Unregistered or registered temporary lic.). To register formally, see Local Machine Information Authentication.

    5. License migration is not supported on single sign-on environment.

    Migration Tool on Windows

    Obtaining the Migration Program

    1. Copy the FanRuan.lic file under the path %BI_HOME%/webroot/WEB-INF/resources of the former FineBI project.

    2. Confirm the name of the new FineBI project and export the registration information rif file of the new FineBI project by seeing Local Machine Information Authentication.

    3. Send the registration information to FineBI's business personnel (business@fanruan.com) through the email address specified in the contract. The email format is as follows.

    Indicate the special circumstances (if any) in the email.





    Use the email address specified in the contract.

    If you send registration information without using the email address specified in the contract, the registration information migration will not be allowed.





    Company name's registration information migration officially authorized by FineReport

    If you do not mark the company name in the email, the registration information migration will not be allowed.


    Company name: Company name

    Project name: Project name

    Contract signing date: YYYY-MM-DD

    Registration method: Local Machine Info

    Other information like concurrency and user number will be registered according to the signed contract.

    Attachment One

    The FanRuan.lic file under the path %BI_HOME%/webroot/WEB-INF/resources of the former FineBI project


    Attachment Two

    The rif file exported from the new FineBI project

    The generated RegistrationInformation.rif file will be damaged if you open it. The registration will fail when you send the damaged file to FanRuan business personnel.

    Attachment Three

    The screenshot of the page Registration in Manage of the former FineBI project

    1. A server address (a prerequisite for normal running of the project) must be included in the screenshot.

    The former FineBI project needs to be started normally in the original server. Otherwise, the registration information cannot be migrated. You need to contact with sales personnel to apply for authorization again.

    2. Registered Successfully (a mark for successful registration) must be displayed on Registration page of the screenshot.

    The registration information cannot be migrated if the registration of the project is unfinished, temporary, or expired. You can contact the sales personnel for additional purchase or communication.

    After receiving and verifying your email, the business personnel will generate a License migration program for you and email it to you.


    Generating a Verification Code

    The super admin logs into the decision-making platform of the former FineBI project and accesses the specified URL to generate a verification code.

    An example for URL: http://IP address:Port number/webroot/decision/v10/register/remove/captcha


    1. The referred decision-making platform is the original project where the License needed to be destroyed.

    2. A new verification will be generated (the former verification code being invalid meanwhile) when you access URL each time.

    3. If the former FineBI project is configured with a short domain name, the URL is http://Domain name/decision/v10/register/remove/captcha.


    Running the Migration Program

    Entering the Address of the Former FineBI Project

    Upload the migration program to a machine that can communicate with the former FineBI project and run the migration program with a command line window popping up later: Uninstall server target address: http://localhost :8080/ webroot/ decision.

    Enter the server address of the former FineBI project: http://IP address:Port number/webroot/decision or http://Domain name/webroot/decision.


    1. Ensure that the server running the migration program can communicate with the server of the former FineBI project. (If not, a prompt pops up: Failed to connect to the server, please check if the address is correct and re-enter.)

    2. If the entered target address of the server is unregistered or registered temporarily, a prompt will pop up: FineBI server is not registered or is temporarily registered.


    Entering a Verification Code

    After you enter the target address of the server correctly, a prompt pops up: Please enter the verification code. Enter the verification code obtained before.

    The verification code is valid for 30 minutes. A prompt pops up if the verification code is not passed: The verification code is wrong or expired, please re-enter.


    Generating the FanRuan.lic File

    A prompt pops up if the verification code is passed: The migration is successful, please put the lic file in the working directory of the current command line window into FineBI server.

    In this case, the registration information of the former FineBI project is expired. A new FineBI project registration information file FanRuan.lic is automatically generated in the same directory as the migration tool.


    Registering a New Project

    Log into the decision-making platform of the new FineBI project as the admin, choose Manage > Registration > Version Information, and click Upload lic to import the authorization file FanRuan.lic.

    The registration will be successful if the operations above are correct.


    The FanRuan.lic file will be automatically saved under the path %BI-HOME%\webroot\WEB-INF\resources of the current project.

    Migration Tool on Linux

    Obtaining the Migration Program

    1. Copy the FanRuan.lic file under the path %BI_HOME%/webroot/WEB-INF/resources of the former FineBI project.

    2. Confirm the name of the new FineBI project and export the registration information rif file of the new FineBI project by seeing Local Machine Information Authentication.

    3. Send the registration information to FineBI's business personnel (business@fanruan.com) through the email address specified in the contract. The email format is as follows.

    Indicate the special circumstances (if any) in the email.





    Use the email address specified in the contract.

    If you send registration information without using the email address specified in the contract, the registration information migration will not be allowed.





    Company name's registration information migration officially authorized by FineReport

    If you do not mark the company name in the email, the registration information migration will not be allowed.


    Company name: Company name

    Project name: Project name

    Contract signing date: YYYY-MM-DD

    Registration method: Local Machine Info

    Other information like concurrency and user number will be registered according to the signed contract.

    Version of migration program: Linux

    To run the migration tool (support Windows/Linux/Mac server environments), you only need to upload it to a machine that can communicate with the original server. The business personnel defaults to sending the Windows version of the migration tool.

    Attachment One

    The FanRuan.lic file under the path %BI_HOME%/webroot/WEB-INF/resources of the former FineBI project


    Attachment Two

    The rif file exported from the new FineBI project

    The generated RegistrationInformation.rif file will be damaged if you open it. The registration will fail when you send the damaged file to FanRuan business personnel.

    Attachment Three

    The screenshot of the page Registration in Manage of the former FineBI project

    1. A server address (a prerequisite for normal running of the project) must be included in the screenshot.

    The former FineBI project needs to be started normally in the original server. Otherwise, the registration information cannot be migrated. You need to contact with sales personnel to apply for authorization again.

    2. Registered Successfully (a mark for successful registration) must be displayed on Registration page of the screenshot.

    The registration information cannot be migrated If the registration of the project is unfinished, temporary, or expired. You can contact the sales personnel for additional purchase or communication.

    After receiving and verifying your email, the business personnel will generate a License migration program for you and email it to you.


    Generating a Verification Code

    Log into the decision-making platform of the former FineBI project as the super admin and access the specified URL to generate a verification code.

    An example for URL: http://IP address:Port number/webroot/decision/v10/register/remove/captcha


    1. The referred decision-making platform is the original project where the License needed to be destroyed.

    2. A new verification will be generated (the former verification code being invalid meanwhile) when you access URL each time.

    3. If the former FineBI project is configured with a short domain name, the URL is http://Domain name/decision/v10/register/remove/captcha.


    Running the Migration Program

    Upload the migration program to a machine that can communicate with the former FineBI project.

    Adding Executable Permissions

    Add executable permissions for the program. The code is as follows:

    chmod u+x lic_remove
    Entering the Address of the Former FineBI Project

    A command line window pops up after you run the migration program: Uninstall server target address: http://localhost :8080/ webroot/ decision.

    Enter the server address of the former FineBI project: http://IP address:Port number/webroot/decision or http://Domain name/webroot/decision.


    1. Ensure that the server running the migration program can communicate with the server of the former FineBI project. (If not, a prompt pops up: Failed to connect to the server, please check if the address is correct and re-enter.)

    2. If the entered target address of the server is unregistered or registered temporarily, a prompt pops up: FineBI server is not registered or is temporarily registered.


    Entering a Verification Code

    After you enter the target address of the server correctly, a prompt pops up: Please enter the verification code. Enter the verification code obtained before.

    The verification code is valid for 30 minutes. A prompt pops up if the verification code is not passed: The verification code is wrong or expired, please re-enter.


    Generating the FanRuan.lic File

    A prompt pops up if the verification code is passed: The migration is successful, please put the lic file in the working directory of the current command line window into FineBI server.

    In this case, the registration information of the former FineBI project is expired. A new FineBI project registration information file FanRuan.lic is automatically generated in the same directory as the migration tool.


    Registering a New Project

    Log into the decision-making platform of the new FineBI project as the admin, choose Manage > Registration > Version Information, and click Upload lic to import the authorization file FanRuan.lic.

    The registration will be successful if the operations above are correct.


    The FanRuan.lic file will be automatically saved under the path %BI-HOME%\webroot\WEB-INF\resources of the current project.

    Migration Tool on Mac

    Obtaining the Migration Program

    1. Copy the FanRuan.lic file under the path %BI_HOME%/webroot/WEB-INF/resources of the former FineBI project.

    2. Confirm the name of the new FineBI project and export the registration information rif file of the new FineBI project by seeing Local Machine Information Authentication.

    3. Send the registration information to FineBI's business personnel (business@fanruan.com) through the email address specified in the contract. The email format is as follows.

    Indicate the special circumstances (if any) in the email.





    Use the email address specified in the contract.

    If you send registration information without using the email address specified in the contract, the registration information migration will not be allowed.





    Company name's registration information migration officially authorized by FineReport

    If you do not mark the company name in the email, the registration information migration will not be allowed.


    Company name: Company name

    Project name: Project name

    Contract signing date: YYYY-MM-DD

    Registration method: Local Machine Info

    Other information like concurrency and user number will be registered according to the signed contract.

    Version of the migration program: Mac

    To run the migration tool (support Windows/Linux/Mac server environments), you only need to upload it to a machine that can communicate with the original server. The business personnel defaults to sending the Windows version of the migration tool.

    Attachment One

    The FanRuan.lic file under the path %BI_HOME%/webroot/WEB-INF/resources of the former FineBI project


    Attachment Two

    The rif file exported from the new FineBI project

    The generated RegistrationInformation.rif file will be damaged if you open it. The registration will fail when you send the damaged file to FanRuan business personnel.

    Attachment Three

    The screenshot of the page Registration in Manage of the former FineBI project

    1. A server address (a prerequisite for normal running of the project) must be included in the screenshot.

    The former FineBI project needs to be started normally in the original server. Otherwise, the registration information cannot be migrated. You need to contact with sales personnel to apply for authorization again.

    2. Registered Successfully (a mark for successful registration) must be displayed on Registration page of the screenshot.

    The registration information cannot be migrated If the registration of the project is unfinished, temporary, or expired. You can contact the sales personnel for additional purchase or communication.

    After receiving and verifying your email, the business personnel will generate a License migration program for you and email it to you.


    Generating a Verification Code

    Log into the decision-making platform of the former FineBI project and access the specified URL to generate a verification code.

    An example for URL: http://IP address:Port number/webroot/decision/v10/register/remove/captcha


    1. The referred decision-making platform is the original project where the License needed to be destroyed.

    2. A new verification will be generated (the former verification code being invalid meanwhile) when you access URL each time.

    3. If the former FineBI project is configured with a short domain name, the URL is http://Domain name/decision/v10/register/remove/captcha.


    Running the Migration Program

    Upload the migration program to a machine that can communicate with the former FineBI project.

    Adding Executable Permissions

    Add executable permissions for the program. The code is as follows:

    chmod u+x lic_remove


    Entering the Address of the Former FineBI Project

    Execute the migration program with the code below:


    A command line window pops up after you run the migration program: Uninstall server target address: http://localhost :8080/ webroot/ decision.

    Enter the server address of the former FineBI project: http://IP address:Port number/webroot/decision or http://Domain name/webroot/decision.


    1. Ensure that the server running the migration program can communicate with the server of the former FineBI project. (If not, a prompt pops up: Failed to connect to the server, please check if the address is correct and re-enter.)

    2. If the entered target address of the server is unregistered or registered temporarily, a prompt pops up: FineBI server is not registered or is temporarily registered.


    Entering a Verification Code

    After you enter the target address of the server correctly, a prompt pops up: Please enter the verification code. Enter the verification code obtained before.

    The verification code is valid for 30 minutes. A prompt pops up if the verification code is not passed: The verification code is wrong or expired, please re-enter.


    Generating the FanRuan.lic File

    A prompt pops up if the verification code is passed: The migration is successful, please put the lic file in the working directory of the current command line window into FineBI server.

    In this case, the registration information of the former FineBI project is expired. A new FineBI project registration information file FanRuan.lic is automatically generated in the same directory as the migration tool.


    Registering a New Project

    Log into the decision-making platform of the new FineBI project as the admin, choose Manage > Registration > Version Information, and click Upload lic to import the authorization file FanRuan.lic.

    The registration will be successful if the operations above are correct.


    The FanRuan.lic file will be automatically saved under the path %BI-HOME%\webroot\WEB-INF\resources of the current project.


    主题: Deployment and Integration
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