The template only displays charts. Related tables need to be clicked to display. The following figure displays the effect of the way 2.
The following figure shows how to implement.
How to Implement
Way 1
Display implicit data through FineBI's built-in detail viewing function.
Display all component data details in a table (convenient and fast).
Way 2
Display implicit data through jump between dashboards.
Customize display contents (widely used).
Create a dashboard through the data table Supermarket Sales Data and go to the preview interface.
Click the component and choose > View Details to view the original data table used for the chart.
Use multiple dashboards and click a chart to jump to the dashboard where a table is located, implicitly displaying the table.
1. Create Dashboard A through the data table Supermarket Sales Data.
2. Create Dashboard B through the data table Contract Fact Table.
Click the dashboard A and choose > Jump Settings.
2. Set as the following figure in the pop-up window.
Clicking a field in Dashboard A can jump to the table in Dashboard B.
You can also pass values through component jump (filtering meanwhile). For example, clicking the column A1000003 can jump to the table and filter out the data of A1000003 in the table.
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