Customizing a Data Portal

  • Last update:August 18, 2023
  • Overview

    This document is applicable to users who have installed the Data Portal plugin to learn plugin functions.


    FineBI VersionJAR PackageData Portal VersionFunctional Change








    Analysis users can select the directories under My Analysis and Public Data when customizing quick entry components.

    Function Description

    For data portal dashboards displayed to users, admins can enable Customization Support.

    Viewers can add/delete data dashboard components, modify quick entry components, and adjust component layout according to their usage habits and commonly used templates.


    If users want to customize the settings of a data portal dashboard, the admin must first enable Customization Support.

    To achieve this, log in to the decision-making platform as admin, choose System Management > Data Portal > Portal Management, and enable Customization Support.

    After this function is enabled, the message "After this function is enabled, users can customize portal content. Sure to enable this function?” is displayed. After the admin clicks OK, the dashboard will allow viewers to perform customization.


    Portal Customization

    Entering the Customization Page

    Log in to the decision-making platform as the user and view the data portal dashboard. Click Custom Portal in the upper right corner and customize the configuration of this data portal dashboard.. .


    Customizing Portal Content

    On custom pages, users can perform the following three types of operations.

    Editing Data Dashboard Components

    Users can add data dashboard components to the data portal. The component content is the directory template content that the current user has permissions to access.

    Users can delete existing data dashboard components from the data portal.

    Users can modify titles of existing data dashboard components in the data portal. Users can hide/display component titles, and modify title texts.


    Editing Quick Entry Components

    If a quick entry component is available in the data portal dashboard, users can perform the following operations:

    Add quick entry buttons. Users can set the name, type, content, and cover of the entry. If the entry type is a platform directory, the optional range is the directories that the current user has permissions to access.

    Modify existing entry buttons in the quick entry component, including the name, type, content, and cover of the entry. If setting entry type to Decision Directory, current users can only select the directories within their permission scopes.

    Delete existing entry buttons from the quick entry component.

    Adjust the ranking order of quick entry buttons.


    In the Data Portal plugin of V1.5 and later versions, Analysis Users can select the content under My Analysis and Public Data when adding an entry.


    My Analysis

    Subjects created by the user

    Subjects collaborated with the user

    Public Data

    Data that the user has permissions to use

    Adjusting Dashboard Component Layout

    Users can drag all components in the data portal dashboard to adjust their size and position.


    Saving Custom Content

    After customization is completed:

    Users can click Cancel to cancel customization and exit the configuration page.

    Users can click Update to save the customized data portal dashboard. In this case, no matter how the dashboard content changes, the current custom style and content are displayed when users view the dashboard in the future.


    1. For custom data portal dashboards, users can click Restore Default Settings to restore to the data dashboard content configured by the admin, as shown in the following figure. .


    2. Data portal dashboard customization takes effect only for the current user, affecting no content of the data portal dashboard viewed by other users.

    3. User-customized data portal dashboards (if any) will no longer follow the changes in the admin version. That is to say, if the admin modifies the dashboard (such as adding/deleting components and adjusting styles), user-customized dashboards will not change.

    4. After the admin has disabled Customization Support:

    ·       If the user has not customized the portal content before, the top toolbar does not exist.

    ·       If the user has previously customized the data portal dashboard, the Restore Default Settings button is displayed in the top toolbar. After the user clicks the button, the top toolbar disappears.



    主题: System Management
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