Cell Style

  • Last update:December 29, 2020
  • Text Styles

    1) Text styles can be set by custom styles (the default) and predefined styles. In this article, you will learn how to custom cell styles. For settings of predefined styles, please refer to Predefined Styles.

    2) Text styles only change the display effect of text and make no difference to cell values. Text styles include text formats and font.

    You will learn
    • Set text format

    • Set font

    I. Set text styles

    1. Click [Cell Attributes]>[Style]>[Text]


    2. Click the drop-down box to select the format and view the effect in the example


    3. Standard format

    Texts are left-aligned and numbers are right-aligned.


    4. Number format

    1) 0 and #:

    • 0: If the current digit is empty, display 0 at the current position.

    • #: If the current digit is empty, display a blank.

    2) The number of decimal digits: the total number of 0 and # after the decimal point.

    3) Comma: the thousand separator.

    4) Input 1234 in B2 and set the number format as 00,000.0#. B2 displays as 01,234.0


    5. Currency format

    1) A currency symbol, e.g., “$”, can be inserted before a number.

    2) The meaning of 0 and # is the same as the number format.

    3) Input 123456 in B2 and set the currency format as $#,##0.0. B2 displays as $123,456.0



    • You can customize the currency symbol, i.e. set the format as ¥#,##0.0

    6. Percentage format

    1) The meaning of 0 and # is the same as the number format.

    2) Input 1.2345678 in B2 and click the drop-down box to view the display effect of different percentage formats.


    7. Scientific count format

    1) The meaning of 0 and # is the same as the number format.

    2) Input 12345678 in B2 and click the drop-down box to view the display effect of different scientific count formats.


    8. Date format

    1) y stands for year, M stands for month and d stands for day.

    2) MM: if the Month is a single-digit number, add 0 before the number.

    3) dd: if the date is a single-digit number, add 0 before the number.

    4) Insert different separators between year and month and between month and day, for example, "/" and "-".

    5) Input 2020-05-01 in B2 and set the date format as yyyy-MM/d. B2 displays as 2020-05/1.


    9. Time format

    1) H stands for hour, m stands for minute and s stands for second.

    2) HH: if the number of hours is a single-digit number, add 0 before the number of hours.

    3) The meaning of mm or ss is the same as HH.

    4) H: displayed in a 24-hour mode, h: displayed in a 12-hour mode.

    5) Input 2020-5-1 13:05 in B2 and click the drop-down box to select different effects.


    10. Text format

    Texts are on the left and numbers are on the right.


    II. Set font

    1. Click [Cell Attributes]>[Style]>[Text]

    Snag_21dc5b5d (1).png

    2. Click the drop-down box to select font, font style and font size


    3. Set color


    4. Click corresponding flags to set underline, strikethrough and shade

    Click again to cancel the setting.


    5. Set a superscript or subscript



    Cell Styles

    1) Cell styles can be set by custom styles (the default) and predefined styles. In this article, you will learn how to custom cell styles. For settings of predefined styles, please refer to Predefined Styles.

    2) Cell styles only change the display effect of cell borders and background, and make no difference to cell values.

    You will learn
    • Settings of border

    • Settings of background

    I. Settings of border

    1. Click [Cell Attributes] >[Style] >[Cell]


    2. Click the drop-down box and select border style and color


    3. Settings of outter border

    4. Settings of inner border

    II. Settings of background

    1. Click [Cell Attributes] >[Style] >[Cell]


    2. Background fill


    3. Texture background


    4. Pattern background

    Set foreground color and background color.


    5. Image background

    See Insert Images for picture display effect.


    6. Gradient background

    Select Gradient Color and Gradient Direction.


    Alignment Styles

    1) Cell styles can be set by custom styles (the default) and predefined styles. In this article, you will learn how to custom cell alignment styles. For settings of predefined styles, please refer to Predefined Styles.

    2) Custom alignment styles only change the display effect of text and make no difference to cell values. 

    You will learn
    • Basic alignment style

    • Advanced alignment style

    I. Basic alignment style

    1. Click [Cell Attributes]>[Style]>[Alignment]


    2. Basic – Horizontal Align

    1) There are five types of Horizontal Align, which include, from left to right, Left, Center, Right, Distributed and Default.

    2) Default: Numeric values are right-aligned and non-numeric values are left-aligned.


    3. There are three types of Vertical Align: Top, Center and Bottom


    II. Advanced alignment style

    1. There are four types of Image Layout: Default, Tile, Stretch and Adapt.

    For the effects of Image Layout, please see Insert Images.


    2. Text Style

    1) There are four types of Text Style: Wrap Text, Single Line, Single Line (Adjust Font) and Multiline (Adjust Font). The default is Wrap Text.

    2) Wrap Text: The text will wrap around according to the column width, so that it can be completely displayed.

    3) Single Line: The text will not wrap around, and that beyond the column width will not be displayed.

    4) Single Line (Adjust Font): The text will not wrap around and the text size will be adapted to the column width, so that the text can be completely displayed.

    5) Multiline (Adjust Font): The text will be displayed in multiple lines and the text size will be adapted to the column width, so that the text can be completely displayed.

    3. Text Orientation

    1) There are three modes of Text Orientation: Custom Angle, Vertical Text (Left to Right) and Vertical Text (Right to Left).

    2) The default of Custom Angle is 0, which can be changed by dragging the ruler or directly inputting the desired angle.


    4. Indentation and Spacing

    1) Indented space on the left or right can be customized through [Indentation setting].

    2) Space in front of or behind a paragraph can be customized for the text in a cell through [Partspacing setting].

    3) Space between two lines of text can be customized through [Spacing setting].


    Cell Style for Mobile preview

    Some of the cell styles are not supported for mobile preview:

    • Cell-border: version 9.0 and above will support only solid line and equal-interval dotted line.

    • Alignment-horizontal: version 9.0 and above will support the default format.

    • Alignment-text style: support only Single Line (Adjust Font) and Multi-line (Adjust Font).

    • Alignment-partspacing: not supported.

    • Alignment-spacing: App 10.4.84 and above will support.

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