Predefined Chart Colors

  • Last update:December 02, 2020
  • I. Overview

    1) When setting series color of charts, users will use [Custom] option to design a color scheme, yet the color scheme is only available for current chart and cannot be reused by other charts or other templates.

    2) Through setting predefined chart colors, you can save your favorite color scheme and enable templates in the same report server to reuse it.

    3) Prerequisite: Insert Floating Charts.

    You will learn
    • Set predefined chart colors

      • Accurate Setting

      • Gradient       

    • Use predefined chart colors

    II. Steps

    1. Select [Server]->[Chart Predefined Colors]

    2. Click to view predefined color schemes that have been embedded in the report server

    3. Add, delete and copy color schemes

    4. Reorder the color schemes

    5. Create a new color scheme and select [Accurate Setting]

    1) Click each color block to select a color. Each color block represents a series.

    2) You can choose colors from Sample tab.

    3) Or you can customize a color by selecting one from a color plate or inputting a color code.

    6. Double-click to rename the color scheme as Custom1

    7. Create a new color scheme and select [Gradient]

    8. Click the two sides of the gradient bar to set colors and rename the scheme as Custom2

    9. Insert a chart

    1) Create a new report and select Insert->Float Element->Chart.

    2) Select a chart type arbitrarily. The default color scheme is the predefined color scheme edited most recently.

    10. Select [Style]->[Series] and use the predefined colors

    1) Click the drop-down box after Color to choose the predefined colors just created.

    2) The predefined colors can be used by all templates under current server.

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