Compatibility Instructions for upgrade (V10.0 to V11.0)

  • Last update:April 08, 2022
  • I. Overview

    This article will introduce in detail what you need to know when upgrading Finereport 10.0 to 11.0, including reports, charts, plugins, and compatibility instructions for mobile terminals.

    II. Statement Compatibility Instructions

    1) Template compatible

    • Finereport10.0 Designer cannot open templates created/opened by Finereport11.0 Designer.

    • The Finereport11.0 designer can normally use the templates made by Finereport10.0.

    2) Remote Design

    • Finereport10.0 designer cannot connect to Finereport11.0 report project remotely. Finereport 10.0 designer does not get .finereport110 cache files for 11.0.

    • Finereport11.0 designer cannot connect to Finereport10.0 report project remotely. Finereport 11.0 Designer does not inherit 10.0 's .finereport100 cache files.

    3) Finereport 11.0 abandoned the function of "New Data Entry Preivew" and changed it to plugin support.

    • If the original Finereport 10.0 project has a record of using the function of "New Data Entry Preview" within three months, this function will be automatically retained in the form of a plug-in during the upgrade.

    4) The "Calculation Engine X" plugin has been converted to a built-in function.

    • General reports can directly set the report engine attributes without converting them to .cptx templates, and the original cptx templates can still be used normally.

    • The "Template Assistant" function is stripped out and becomes an independent plugin.

    5) Finereport10.0 and Finereport11.0 provide different JS API interfaces.

    • After 10.0 is upgraded to 11.0, the templates in the original 10.0 can be used normally without using the "Calculation Engine X" and without switching to the "New Version Dashboard".

    • If you need to use the "Calculation Engine X" or "New Version Dashboard", please change the JS API interface to the 11.0 interface. For details, please refer to: JS API .

    Note: The unofficial JS API interface cannot be guaranteed to work properly in Finereport11.0.

    6) Rights management

    Finereport 10.0 cannot perform remote design server dataset permission control. After upgrading to Finereport 11.0, it will be supported, which may cause non-super administrator users to have no right to use/view server dataset content and corresponding template content.

    If the developer cannot view or use the server dataset, or edit, save, or preview the template using the server dataset, please close the "Data Connection Control" button, or assign the user the permission to use the corresponding server dataset. 

    III. Mobile Compatibility Instructions

    The Finereport10.0 App cannot add the Finereport11.0 report server, and the Finereport11.0 App needs to be downloaded again.

    The description of Finereport11.0 App is as follows:

    1) The FineBI 5.1 server cannot be added to the App before version 11.0.50, and only adapts to the Finereport10.0 App.

    2) 11.0.50 and later versions of the App support adding FineBI 5.1.19 and later versions of the server.

    Note: App version 11.0.50 will be released on 2021/12/18.

    IV. Chart compatibility instructions

    1) Finereport 11.0 has reconstructed the fetching logic of the chart data source. In some scenarios, the effect of the chart will change after the old template is upgraded. You can switch the template to the original fetching logic of 10.0 through the "Chart Data Source Compatible" plugin. For details, see: Chart Data Compatibility Plugin . The difference between the new version and the old version is as follows:


    2) Finereport11.0 has changed the default color matching logic of the chart. Before the upgrade, "Default" is selected. After the upgrade, it is compatible to select the 8 chart series color display set in "Predefined > Follow Theme". The compatible color scheme of Finereport 11.0 corresponds to the default color set in 10.0. For details, please refer to: Chart series .

    V. Plugin compatibility instructions

    1. Official Plugins

    Official plugin

    Compatible status

    Component reuse

    Finereport10.0 uses this plugin

    Finereport11.0 to built-in function

    new computing engine

    New adaptive decision report

    Top parameter panel

    Radio button group mobile button group style

    Mobile red theme

    Date mobile calendar style

    Mobile popup

    HTML5 Quick Back to Contents Button

    Simple drop-down style for mobile

    Simple mobile calendar style

    Chart Cell Data Source

    performance optimization

    Finereport10.0 uses this plugin

    Finereport11.0 splits the plugin into three plugins and built-in functions:

    • text7 export and internationalization newline plugin

    • Dataset parallel fetch optimization 

    • Use druid thread pool 

    Permission Checkbox Icon Plugin

    Finereport10.0 uses this plugin

    Finereport11.0 is not compatible with this plugin

    Refresh login status plugin

    Charts (old version)

    Outbreak Template

    New print ignore print offset configuration table

    Excel Markup Import Add-in

    Finereport10.0 uses this plugin

    Finereport11.0.2 and later versions are compatible with this plugin

    2) For the plugins that are not specified in the above table, please go to the FanRuan market to download the corresponding plugin version of Finereport 11.0, as shown in the following figure:


    2. Third-party plugins

    Third-party plugins

    Compatible status

    Enhanced formula editor

    Finereport10.0 uses this plugin

    Finereport11.0 to built-in function

    welink integrates h5 plugin

    Finereport10.0 uses this plugin

    Finereport11.0 is not compatible with this plugin

    Predefined style enhancements

    Finereport11.0 does not support this plugin

    Bloodline analysis

    tab carousel effect

    Dashboard dynamic background

    Page loading animation customization

    latex formula

    Finereport10.0 uses this plugin,

    Finereport11.0 is temporarily incompatible;

    Control display effect configuration

    3D Panoramic Map

    flow chart

    Scrolling report graph

    3D Earth

    trajectory map

    Sankey diagram

    Accordion Folding Diagram

    3D word cloud

    ArcGis map plugin

    Timing diagram

    Departmental Structure

    tree structure

    special selection map

    unequal axes


    Document online preview

    Number scroller

    report subscription

    Wafer map

    dataset grouping

    Picture Lightbox

    report pagination   component

    3D card animation

    The rest of the third-party plugins without specialinstructions are compatible with FineReport 11.0 by default


    Attachment List

    Theme: Designer Installation and Upgrade
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