Upgrade Preparation of FineReport (V10.0 to V11.0)

  • Last update:August 22, 2024
  • Overview

    This article will explain in detail the preparations required before you upgrade FineReport 10.0 to 11.0.

    Technical Assistance and Tool Acquisition

    Technical Assistance

    Technical assistance for upgrading FineReport is currently provided by the technical support team. You can submit an Upgrade Assessment to check your computer environment. After submitting the form, you will automatically stand in line at the system. Our team will offer to contact you within your expected upgrade time for specific upgrade matters. For business issues, you can contact your sales manager.

    Tool Acquisition

    Due to the continuous optimization of FineReport’s functions and iterations of the product, the upgrade tool also constantly updates. To get the upgrade tool, you can send an email to international@fanruan.com or click https://www.finereport.com/en/

    Upgrade Instructions

    1. Compatibility guide: Before upgrading, read 10-11 Compatibility Instructions.

    2. Upgrading FineReport 9.0 to 11.0: To upgrade FineReport 9.0 to 11.0, you must first upgrade it to FineReport 10.0.

    3.FineReport integrated into FineBI: If you use FineReport integrated into FineBI, read FineBI and FineReport Version Adaptation Instructions before upgrading FineReport.

    4. Backup: Before the upgrade, to avoid file loss due to upgrade failure, back up the required files.

    5. Authorization file: As the authorization file for the version 10.0 cannot be used for the version 11.0, you need to contact our sales personnel to get the latest authorization file.

    6. Disk capacity requirements: As the file size of the upgrade tool is large, specified files will be decompressed during the upgrade, and the webroot folder of 10.0 can be backed up, the remaining capacity of the disk where the upgrade tool is located must be greater than 3 GB. If you need to back up the webroot folder, ensure the disk capacity is enough.

    7. Project and upgrade tool path: The path where the upgrade tool and project are located can contain Chinese characters, English letters, digits, English parentheses, underlines, English connectors, and spaces, while it cannot contain too many special characters. Generally, the project should not be placed on the C: drive.

    8. Project configuration: If the 10.0 project is configured with an external database, status server, and file server, you need to ensure that they can be connected during the upgrade to update files.

    9. Port occupation: During the upgrade, ports 20216 and 20217 will be occupied.

    10. Upgrading environment: Offline upgrade and upgrade without JDK are supported.

    11. JAR file version: Before the upgrade, the JAR file needs to be upgraded to the version released on Aug 4, 2020 or later. Otherwise, the error will be reported: The project version is lower than 2020/08/04 and cannot be upgraded. You can try after upgrading.

    12. Plugin adaptation: Currently, since FineReport 11.0 only supports official plugins, third-party and custom plugins may not be available after the upgrade. You need to contact the technical support team and check whether your custom plugins can be used in version 11.0 in advance.

    13. Customization: If there are customizations in the project 10.0, such as customized JAR files, external databases, functions, and product integration, contact the technical support team in advance and check whether the customizations are compatible or how they can be compatible with the version 11.0 after the upgrade. During the upgrade, the upgrade tool will replace the scripts and upm folders in the webroot folder. If custom files (such as customized JS and CSS files) exist in scripts and upm folders, back them up in advance and manually copy them to the 11.0 project after the upgrade.

    Preparation Before the Upgrade

    Backing up Platform Configuration (Required)

    Use the admin account to log in Decision-making Platform, go to Manage > Intelligent Operations > Backup and Restore > Platform Configuration, and click Manual Backup. The default backup path is .../backup, and the backup file is stored in the project’s path%FR_HOME%/webapps/webroot/backup.

    Backing up Project Files (Required)

    Note: Each node in the cluster is suggested to be backed up.

    You can back up the entire Tomcat container or the webroot folder in %TOMCAT_HOME%/webapps. As the 10.0 project is in the Tomcat container, it is recommended to copy the entire Tomcat container and rename it as tomcat11.

    If the cluster has a file server, you need to back up the WEB-INF file in the file server.

    Creating a Database Table Space

    Note: A data table space must be created if you make the external database before the upgrade.

    1. Create a table space if you have configurated an external database before the update. For details, see Configure the External Database.

    2. You can directly upgrade the version without processing the external database configuration. After the upgrade, the external database will be turned into the internal FineDB database by default. In order not to affect the table data in the previous database, you are suggested to create a database for data migration. When the FineReport 11.0 can run stably, you can delete the external database of the version 10.0.


    1. The update tool will not change data in the external database and the data will be synchronized to the internal database.

    2. For differences between the FineDB database and the Data Connection function, see Notice after the Update.

    Pre-processing the Official Authorization File

    As the authorization file for the version 10.0 cannot be used for the version 11.0, you need to pre-process the official authorization file. After you upgrade the version, you can contact technical support team to get the latest authorization file.

    Project Upgrades in Other Environments

    If you want to upgrade an individual project in another environment, you need to restore the FineDB database into an internal one, to avoid upgrade failure due to the failure to connect the external database in the new environment. Follow the steps below to restore the FineDB database:

    1. After backing up the platform configuration, go to the project path/webapps/webroot/backup/config/manual/ to find the lastest folder (the folder name is the time of manual backup, for example, 2022/04/13-13:47:53), where the config.zip file stores the FineDB database that has been converted to an internal one.

    2. Uncompress the config.zip file, copy the FineDB database to the path/webapps/webroot/web-inf/embed of the project backup, and replace the previous FineDB folder. If tomcat10 is the original environment and tomcat11 is the backup environment, you need to replace FineDB in tomcat11/webapps/webroot/web-inf/embed.

    3. Go to the backup project pathtomcat11/webapps/webroot/WEB-INF/config, and delete the db.properties file, which saves the configuration of the external database.

    After the tomcat11 turns the external FineDB database into an internal one, it is independent of the tomcat10, while the two platform cannot start simultaneously in the same environment because of port occupancy.

    4. Use the upgrade tool to upgrade the webroot where the FineDB folder is restored.

    Reducing the Project Size (Optional)


    File Path and Usage

    What Can Be Cleaned up

    File backups

    1. Folder path: The default path is %FR_HOME%\webapps\webroot\backup.

    If you define the path of the backup file, the defined   path will be scanned.

     2. Folder usage: Usage of the backup   folders in Intelligent Operations backup restoration is as follows:

    config: backup of platform configuration, including FineDB folder

    jar: backup of historical jar packages

    plugins: backup of historical installation plugins

    reportles: backup of historical template files. The   reportles folder contains the following folders (the folder name is the   backup time):

    • manual: files backed up manually

    • auto: files backed up automatically



    The auto folders can be deleted.

    You are not recommended to delete the manual folders,   as deleting them will delete the platform configuration manually backed up.


    schedule folder

    1. Folder path: %FR_HOME%\webapps\webroot\WEB-INF\schedule

    2. Folder usage: storing files generated by scheduled tasks, and the names of its files are the names of the scheduled tasks

    If you do not need to visit history links, simply   delete it.

    You can choose to keep the data in the last three   months.

    treasures folder

    1. File path: %FR_HOME%\webapps\webroot\WEB-INF\treasures

    2. File usage: containing package files related to Cloud Operation and Maintenance function

    The folder can be deleted directly, and will be   automatically generated after the upgrade.

    logs folder

    1. File path: %TOMCAT_HOME%\logs

    2. File usage: containing operation log files of the project


    Log files can be deleted directly

    For details about other folders in FineReport 11.0, see Designer Installation.

    Additionally, FineReport 11.0 introduced a new function: disk cleanup.

    Attachment List

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