定期で APP にメッセージをプッシュ

  • 作成者:ayuan0625
  • 編集回数:27次
  • 最終更新:FRInternational 于 2021-02-22
  • I.Overview

    1. Version

     Report server versionMobile version

    2. Application scenarios

    In the following cases, users want to push the results of scheduled tasks to the App:

    • In the sales industry, a manufacturer has many distributors, and the distributors need to purchase from the manufacturer, remittances and a series of operations; the manufacturer also regularly sends information to the distributors to inform them of the remaining status of the goods and the remittance status.

    • After the company pays the salary, it sends an employee a salary message about the employee.

    3. Introduction

    When a user sets a scheduled task, check the APP Notification in the 「File Process」 step to push the results of the scheduled task to the App of the「Default User Group」.

    Note 1: For detailed setting steps of timed tasks, please click Task Schedule Setting 

    Note 2: Please check the video address of the mobile terminal message push instruction Detailed explanation of FineMobile message push application (video + PPT material)

    II. Server extranet users

    Note: The report server can access the external network for the external network environment.

    1. Template preparation

    Use template:%FR_HOME%\webapps\webroot\ReportServer\reportlets\doc-EN\SpecialSubject\Timed task authority control.cpt

    2. Add task

    Please refer to the steps to add a scheduled task:Task Schedule Setting

    3. Basic Setting

    The task name is Payroll, the default user group is platform users eoco and Anna, click OK. As shown below:


    4. Dispatcher Object

    Click Next, select the template Timed task authority control.cpt, check In addition to the general results, members of the default user group will receive individual results, the file name is Test, as shown in the following figure:

    Note: Push objects need to have permission to view templates.


    5. Scheduling Cycle

    Click Next to execute frequency selection Expression Setting and set it to 19:50 on the last working day of each month, as shown in the figure below:

    Note: The frequency and time can be set by expression, please refer to: Schedule Expression


    6. File Process

    Click Next, check Client Notification, push the terminal check the App Notification, the theme is Monthly Salary Table, the content is ${fine_username}'s ${month(now())} salary , which means the user's monthly salary Salary, as shown in the figure below:

    Note 1: The theme and content support formulas.

    Note 2: The App does not support graphic and file message types. Both graphic and file messages are converted to link messages. WeChat and Dingding support graphic and file messages, click for details: WeChat DingTalk supports other message types


    7. Effect view

    Log in to the App with Anna's account, and you can see the corresponding salary table at the end of each month, as shown in the figure below:


    Since App10.2 and later versions, the historical messages of the result report are no longer selected by parameters, but are all in the message list.

    III. Server intranet users

    Note: The report server cannot access the external network for the internal network environment.

    The user server needs to be able to access the push server to be able to use the push function normally, but the push server cannot be accessed in the intranet environment.

    The JAR package is 2019-08-15 and later FineReport Designer can set the proxy server address through the database field value to ensure that the intranet server can connect to the push server.

    1. Scheduled task settings

    The steps to push the results of scheduled tasks to the App in the internal network environment are the same as those in the external network environment, please refer to Chapter 2 of this article.

    2. Proxy server configuration

    Note: Please refer to the detailed steps of proxy server configuration: Proxy server configuration

    Open the configuration file%Nginx_HOME%\conf\nginx.conf,as follows:


    Modify the code in the red box to the code shown below:

    Note: This code is a sample code, please modify the listen port and IP address of the proxy server in the code according to the actual situation.

    server {listen port;      # listen port, proxy server port, can be customized
    server_name ip;      # sever_name, the IP address of the proxy server
    location /
    { proxy_pass http://central.fanruan.com; }

    3. increase field value

    The JAR package is the FineReport designer from 2019-08-15 and later, and the MobileConfig.appMsgProxy field is added to the FINE_CONF_ENTITY table, the value is "http://ip:port/mobile/push/message/send", the value is the proxy server Address, and restart the server.

    Note 1: Please refer to the FineDB database connection Built-in HSQL FineDB

    Note 2: Please refer to the method to modify the table fields in the FineDB database Built-in HSQL FineDB

    Attachment List

    Theme: FineReport 管理ポータル
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