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If you need to get the distinct count value of a dimension field, you can use the Convert to Indicator function.
The function can be used in the following two situations.
1. Directly convert dimension fields (date and text fields) into indicator fields to get their distinct count values. For details, see section "Data Preparation."
2. Dimension fields (value fields) converted from indicator fields can be converted back into indicator fields. For details, see section "Distinct Count Obtaining."
Note:If the dimension field is a calculation field, the converted indicator field does not support detailed filtering.
If the dimension field is a calculation field, the converted indicator field does not support detailed filtering.
You can download the example data.Store Sales Data.xlsx
Create an analysis subject and upload the data, as shown in the following figure.
Directly convert dimension fields into indicator fields to obtain the distinct count dependent on the dimension.
1. On the component editing page, select the Store Name field, click the icon xxx and select Convert to Indicator from the drop-down list, as shown in the following figure.
2. You can obtain a new indicator field named Store Name (Distinct Count). Drag the Store Style field into Dimension and the Store Name (Distinct Count) field into Indicator to view the number of stores for each different style, as shown in the following figure.
Dimension fields obtained through the Convert to Indicator function can be converted back into indicator fields, as shown in the following figure.
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