Application Scenario
The mini chart can visually and clearly display the corresponding indicator value of each category, such as the pageviews of various access channels.
Basic Requirement
The following table describes basic requirements for the mini chart.
Chart Effect | Dimension Field | Indicator Field |
Mini Chart | >= 1 | >= 1 |
Chart Feature
Advantage: The mini chart is easy to be used to highlight the characteristics of variable data.
Disadvantage: The mini chart cannot display multiple changes and is only suitable for data with a single variable.
Data Preparation
1. Log in to the system as the admin, click My Analysis, click a folder, and click New Subject.
2. Choose Current Project > Public Data, search for Internet Channel Statistics, and click OK.
Component Creation
1. Click Component in the lower left corner.
2. Drag the fields First class channel name and Secondary channel name into Dimension and the field Pageviews into Indicator, and click the Mini Chart icon in Chart Type.
After selecting the chart type, the Pageviews field is automatically added to Size.
Chart Beautifying
Setting the Color
You can click Color and set the color for data points.
For details, see Graphic Property.
Setting the Size
You can click Size and adjust the radius of data points.
For details, see Graphic Property.
You can also set Label, Prompt and Fine-grained. For details, see Graphic Property.
Setting the Shape
You can click Shape and select the shape for data points.
Effect Display
On Mobile Terminals