Graphic Properties

  • Last update:  2023-05-18
  • Overview



    Functional Change



    Application Scenarios

    When visualizing data, you want to use the graphical properties (color, shape, size, etc.) of geometric objects to express data intuitively. This can be achieved in FineBI through Graphical Properties.


    1. Under Graphic Properties, you can set the Color, Size, Label, Prompt, Fine-grained and other properties of the chart.

    2. When the chart has multiple indicators, there will be All and the names of the indicators under Graphic Properties.

    • The graphic properties set in All apply to all indicators, that is, the graphic properties apply to both Contract Amount and Received Payment.

    • The graphic properties set in Contract Amount only apply to Contract Amount, but do not apply to Received Payment.

    Property Index




    Chart Color


    Chart Size


    Chart Label


    Chart Prompt




    Chart Shape


    Chart Connection


    Chart Radius


    Chart Angle

    Thermal Color

    Thermal Color




    The size attribute is used to set the sizes of elements in components. You can set Size in all chart types except for Area Chart, Pie Chart, Area Map, and Fill the map.

    Adjusting Graphic Size

    Take Column Chart and Line Chart as examples.

    1. Column Chart

    Click Size to adjust the Column Width and Rounded Corner.

    2. Line Chart

    Click Size to adjust the Line Width.

    Dragging the Indicator Field

    Drag the indicator into Size bar, then the sizes of the graphics will reflect the indicator values.

    Take Scatter Chart as an example. Drag Contract Amount into Size. The larger the contract amount is, the larger the size of the point will be. You can find that the contract amount is larger in 2016 and 2017.


    Prompt Content Customization

    Note: Default prompt is the fields added in the analysis area and Chart Properties. Drag the remaining fields into Prompt to add prompt content.

    1. Click Prompt and then click 图片1.png in the bottom right corner of Content Format.



    Content Format

    Modify the content and font style of the prompt.

    Background Color

    Set the background color of the prompt box.

    Show all tips under dimensions

    Tick it to show all the tip information under the dimension.

    2. Select the fields to customize their settings.


    1. Click  in the upper right corner to add fields in the analysis area and chart properties.

    2. You can display the fields in the editing box as prompt content as needed.

    3. Set Background Color for the prompt box.

    4. The effect is as shown below:

    Prompt Content with *

    Note: The City field dragged into Color has divided Province into finer granularity. In that case, if you tick Show all tips under dimensions, the tips will be displayed as *.

    1. Drag the dimension field City into Color.

    2. Tick Show all tips under dimensions.

    Note: At the time, Content Format and Background Color cannot be edited.

    3. Hover the mouse over Contract Amount, click 图片2.png , and select Turn on stacking.

    Note: This step is for you to understand the function, and can be ignored in actual operations.

    4. From the following figure, you can find that Pennsylvania, Arizona and California been divided into finer granularity, so the prompt content contain *. Alabama and Connecticut are the opposite situation.



    Changing Shape

    Take Aggregate Bubble Chart as an example. Click Shape to change the shapes of the bubbles.

    Dragging the Dimension Field

    Take Scatter Chart as an example. Drag State into Shape to differentiate the contract amount of each state by shapes.

    Dragging the Indicator Field

    Drag Contract Amount into Shape to display different shapes based on the Contract Amount values.

    Click Shape to customize the Shape Type and Shape Interval.


    Application Scenarios

    Chart Type


    Line Chart

    • Style (Polyline, Curve, Vertical)

    • Line Type (Dashed Line, Solid Line)

    • Marker Point (Yes/None)

    Note: If you want to transform a Line Chart to a Polyline Radar Chart, you need at least one dimension field and one indicator field, and you cannot have indicators in Horizontal Axis and Vertical Axis at the same time.

    Polyline Radar Chart

    • You cannot set Line Type in versions prior to 5.1.13.

    • You cannot set Style in version 5.1.13 and later versions.

    • You can set Solid Line, Dashed Line and Marker Point.

    Note: Line Type has been changed to Style in version 5.1.13 and later versions.

    Area Chart

    You can set Curve and Polyline.


    1. Line Chart


    2. Polyline Radar Chart


    3. Area Chart



    Radius, the unique attribute of a Pie Chart, refers to the size of a pie chart.

    Adjusting Radius and Internal Diameter

    Click Radius to adjust the Radius Size and Internal diameter ratio.

    You can modify Radius Size to adjust the size of the pie chart, and modify Internal diameter ratio to adjust the ring width (the size of internal diameter).

    Dragging the Indicator Field

    Drag an indicator field into Radius, and transform the Pie Chart to a Rose Chart. Rose Chart differentiates data through radius.

    When the data are close, you cannot easily find the differences in Contract Amount for each state in a Pie Chart. Drag Contract Amount into Radius and click No for Shared Radius. Then the radius will reflect the Contract Amount, and you can easily find that Nevada has the highest contract amount.


    Dragging the Dimension Field

    Drag City into Radius. Each sector with a different radius represents a city, and the radius reflects the Contract Amount.



    Angle, the unique attribute of a Pie Chart, refers to the size of a sector. Drag an indicator field into Angle, then the angle will reflect the values of the indicator.

    Nevada has the highest Contract Amount, so it has the largest percentage of angle.


    Thermal Color

    Thermal Color is the unique attribute of Heatmap and Thermal Map. Click 图片3.png to set Gradient and Opacity.

    Drag Contract Amount into Thermal Color, and click 图片3.png to set Gradient, gradient range and Opacity. Then you can find that Beijing has the largest contract amount, and its thermal color is red.


    Text is the unique attribute of KPI Indicator Card and Word Cloud. You can click Text to set Content Format.


    主题: Visual Components
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