Radar Chart

  • Last update:December 03, 2024
  • Overview


    FineBI Version

    Functional Change


    Hid axis lines and axis titles in a single partition. For details, see section "Notes."


    Allowed you to select Polygon for Polar Axis and a style for Mark Point in radar charts. For details, see section "Connection Setting."

    Application Scenario

    Radar charts, also known as spider charts have each category displayed on its own numerical axis radiating from the center. Values of the same series are connected by lines to show the relationship between independent data series and between a certain data series and other series as a whole.

    For example, you can compare the performance between Phone A and Phone B through a radar chart, as shown in the following figure.

    image 12.png

    Basic Requirement

    The following table describes basic requirements for a polyline radar chart.

    Chart Effect

    Dimension Field

    Indicator Field

    Polyline Radar Chart

    > = 1

    > = 1

    Chart Feature

    1. Advantage

    Multivariate comparison: A radar chart can display data of multiple variables for comparison and analysis.

    Direction sensitivity: In addition to differences in quantity, radar charts can capture the correlation between data.

    2. Disadvantage

    Variable quantity limit: Displaying data radiating from a central point, a radar chart can only show around six variables at most. Otherwise, the chart will become too complex.

    Data standardization requirement: When comparing data of different scales, you need to standardize the data magnitude. Otherwise, the difference in the data magnitude may lead to misleading results.


    Data Preparation

    1. Log in to FineBI, click My Analysis, select a folder, and click New Subject, as shown in the following figure.

    image 1.png

    2. Choose Local Excel > Upload Data, as shown in the following figure.

    Sample data:Phone Parameter Comparison.xlsx

    image 2.png

    3. Click OK after the data is uploaded, as shown in the following figure.

    image 3.png

    4. Click Save and Update to complete the data preparation, as shown in the following figure.

    image 4.png

    Component Creation

    1. Click Component in the lower left corner, as shown in the following figure.

    2. Select Polyline Radar Chart in Chart Type.

    3. Drag Feature from the left to-be-analyzed area into the horizontal axis, and drag Phone A and Phone B into the vertical axis, as shown in the following figure.

    image 5.png

    Component Beautification

    Color Setting

    Drag Indicator Name from the left to-be-analyzed area into the Color bar under Graphic Property > All. Different indicators will be displayed in different colors, as shown in the following figure.


    1. For details about color, size, label, prompt, and fine-grained settings, see Graphic Property.

    2. For details about legend, grid line, background, and adaptation display settings, see Chart Component Style.

    image 6.png

    Connection Setting

    For radar charts in FineBI 6.0.15 and later versions, you can select a shape for Polar Axis and a style for Mark Point.

    For example, click the setting icon next to Connection under Graphic Property > All. In the setting pop-up box, select Polygon for Polar Axis, Yes for Mark Point, and Filled Triangle for the style from the drop-down list, as shown in the following figure.

    image 7.png

    Dashboard Creation

    1. Click the Add Dashboard button at the bottom of the editing page of the analysis subject.

    2. Drag the component into the dashboard on the dashboard editing page, as shown in the following figure.

    image 8.png

    3. Select Edit Title from the drop-down list, and set Font Style to Custom. Set the title to Radar Chart, and click OK, as shown in the following figure.

    image 11.png

    Effect Display


    image 12.png

    Mobile Terminal

    image 13.png


    Axis lines and axis titles are hidden in a single partition in FineBI6.0. The following figures compare the preview effects in versions 5.1 and 6.0.

    In a single partition, only one dimension is displayed on the horizontal axis.


    image 14.png


    主题: Creating a Visual Component
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