FineBI 6.0 Compatibility Instruction

  • Last update:  2023-04-03
  • Overview

    FineBI has continuously been optimized and upgraded. The 6.0 version has been launched in 2022.

    This article will explain to you the changes from version 5.1 to version 6.0.

    Optimization for Analysis Path

    Version 6.0 removes the Dashboard and Data Preparation modules, and adds the My Analysis and Public Data modules.





    A: My Analysis

    It stores analysis subjects, which are the core elements for data analysis and visualization display in BI. It supports data processing, visualization chart components configuration, dashboard configuration, and sharing.

    B: Public Data

    It stores database tables, SQL datasets, Excel datasets, and published self-service datasets.

    After adding the original dataset to Public Data (optional operation), you can create a new subject in My Analysis to analyze data.


    Compatible Storage Location After Upgrade

    If you need to organize the upgraded analysis subjects, you can use the Merging Subject Plugin.

    Data Under the Data Preparation Group List

    Before the upgrade, data under the regular business package in Data Preparation include basic tables and self-service datasets. Now they are placed in the Public Data folder in FineBI 6.0.


    The self-service dataset under the regular business package in the original data preparation can also be viewed by the creator in My Analysis. It displays the content that it has been published to Public Data.


    Data under My Self-Service Dataset

    Before the upgrade, data in Data Preparation > My Self-Service Dataset is now stored in My Analysis > Original My Self-Service Dataset.



    1. The self-service datasets received from sharing are now all displayed in My Analysis > Collaborated to me.

    2. The self-service dataset of the super admin is compatible with My Analysis > User Analysis.

    Original Dashboard

    All dashboards under the Dashboard tab are now stored in My Analysis > Original Dashboard.


    Note: Dashboards and datasets created before the upgrade are stored separately in the analysis subject.

    Public Data

    Public Data is a public place for data storage. Highly reusable tables can be added or published to public datasets.

    • Business packages and groups under Data Preparation before the upgrade are transformed into folders under Public Data after the upgrade.



    • Directly-Extracted Data List Merging

    Before the upgrade, some data tables were added in the regular business package of Data Preparation for extracted data and direct-connected data. During the upgrade, the method of merging can be set as needed to obtain the data list from the public data.


    You can choose the arrangement method of direct-connected data and extracted data in the Public Data section when using upgrade tools. The recommended method is as follows:

    When using more extracted data, it is recommended to prioritize extraction.
    When using more direct-connected data, it is recommended to prioritize direct connection.
    If their proportion is nearly the same, it is recommended to use both. When
    the amount of data is small, it is recommended to merge them.

    My Analysis

    All data analysis in FineBI 5.0, including data analysis component configuration, and dashboard configuration based on self-service datasets, are made in the analysis subject in the version 6.0.

    Processing Data in My Analysis

    Public data does not allow creating original self-service datasets. If you want to process data, you need to go to My Analysis > New Subject.

     Animation 1.gif

    Processed data needs to be published to the Public Data through Apply for application.

     Animation 2.gif

    Note: If the data created in the data preparation can be seen by the self-service dataset creator in My Analysis and Public Data after upgrading to the version 6.0, other users can still see the data in Public Data.

    Canceling Original Analytical and Processing Self-service Dataset Classification

    FineBI 6.0 cancels self-service datasets with different properties. All editable data is of the same type.

    The amount of data used on the self-service dataset editing page:

    Version 5.1: The analytical self-service dataset editing page uses 5000 rows for all data, while the processing self-service dataset editing page uses 20000 rows of data.

    Version 6.0: In editing mode, it allows setting the amount of data involved in the calculation. The maximum data amount is 10 million rows. If it exceeds 10 million rows, only the first 10 million rows will be taken. The value can be adjusted. The calculation results of each step are based on the amount of data in the initial node of the dataset. The displayed data amount is 5000 rows.



    Permission inheritance state:

    Version 5.1: The analytical self-service dataset has a permission to inherit the switch but has no permissions to configure row and column. The processing self-service dataset has no permission to inherit the switch but can configure row and column permissions freely.

    Version 6.0: In My Analysis, data inherits permissions by force. There is a permission to inherit the switch in Public Data. After enabling permission inheritance, row and column permissions cannot be configured. After disabling permission inheritance, row and column permissions can be configured for the self-service dataset. 

    After the upgrade, the data in My Analysis all enable permission inheritance. The permission inheritance and row/column permission configuration in Public Data remain unchanged.

    Components Independent of The Dashboard

    Version 5.1: The component is attached to the dashboard.

    Version 6.0: Components exist independently. Dashboards can be displayed with components. The same components can be used in different dashboards of the same analysis subject.

    Compatibility: Dashboards will generate analysis subjects after upgrade. Analysis subjects include the dashboard and components but does not include datasets.


    Before upgrade, component titles used dynamic titles. After upgrade, the field used for the dynamic title in component names is converted to the display name of the dimension in original dynamic fields. The display content in the component title remains unchanged.

    Adding New Parameters in Components

    Version 5.1: The filter component itself is a parameter.

    Version 6.0: Components introduce parameters because they are analyzed independently. After adding parameters in the component, you can directly select the parameter in the calculation field/detail filter/result filter. The parameter can be introduced after being bound to components.

    Compatibility logic: Before upgrade, calculation field/dimension result filter/field detail filter use the filter component fields. After upgrade, the parameters generated are bound to the components and reintroduced.


    1. Components bind dataset parameters before the upgrade. After the upgrade, it is selected in the SQL parameters.

    2. The composite filter component does not allow using parameters. Composite filter components used before the upgrade are no longer supported. They are all marked in red. You need to adjust the usage mode manually.

     Animation 3.gif

    Sharing and Collaborating Data

    Before upgrade, you need to go to Original Data Preparation > Regular Business Package > Self-service Dataset. Members with business package usage and collaboration permissions can edit.

    After upgrade, you can obtain collaborative permissions for corresponding user's analysis subjects. View and edit corresponding analysis subjects in My Analysis > Collaborated to me.


    Sharing Dashboards and Folders

    Before upgrade, you will receive either the entire folder share or a single dashboard share when sharing a folder or a dashboard in original dashboards.

    After upgrade, you can still receive shares of the entire folder or a single dashboard, which can be viewed in the directory interface.

    Incompatible Customized Functions After Upgrade

    The customized functions used in version 5.1 are not compatible in version 6.0.

    Changes of The Simplest Table Logic and Deletion of Extraction Settings

    Version 5.1: The analytical self-service dataset with only the step of selecting field is the simplest table. There is no update settings. (no need for updates.)

    Version 6.0: it only adds tables. The self-service dataset with only field settings is the simplest table.(no need for updates.)

    Version 5.1 logic: Some versions have an extraction setting button.

    Version 6.0 logic: Without extraction settings. Make update settings according to the logic of not extracting for the simplest table and extracting for non-simplest tables.

    Compatibility: Update to the simplest table/non-simplest table according to the actual configuration of the table and set the corresponding extraction state.

    Unscheduled Update of Data in My Analysis

    Version 5.1: Self-service datasets can be configured for scheduled updates separately.

    Version 6.0: Data in My Analysis cannot be set to scheduled update. The self-service dataset in Public Data is not affected.

    Compatibility: Retain the scheduled update settings of datasets under the original user self-service dataset. It is only visible in the update task management.

    Not Updating Over-Limit Self-service Datasets

    Before the upgrade, the analytical self-service datasets created by users exceed the memory limit/merge limit/group and summary cell limit/generated cell limit/generated row limit.

    During the upgrade, check the latest update log and do not update the self-service datasets that exceed the limit.

    After the upgrade, you can manually adjust the update settings of self-service datasets.

    Excel Tables in User Self-service Datasets

    Excel Added in My Analysis Transforming to Data From Excel

    Before the upgrade, an Excel sheet was added in the user self-service dataset. A series of analyses were made using this Excel.

    After the upgrade, the Excel sheet will be compatible and become a self-service dataset. The name of the self-service dataset is the same as that of Excel. Both sub-tables and components use this self-service dataset for analysis.

    Meanwhile, if this Excel has been added links, these links will be lost after the upgrade.

    Not Editing Excel Sheets in My Analysis

    Before the upgrade, field settings/field type conversion/row and column conversion/self-looping columns were set in Excel sheets of the user self-service dataset.

    Compatibility results after upgrade:

    Before Upgrade

    After Upgrade

    Excel: field settings

    My Analysis - data - field settings

    Excel: field type conversion

    My Analysis - data - field settings

    Excel: row-column conversion

    My Analysis - data - row to column/column to row

    Excel: self-looping columns

    Delete this step.

    Changes in Component Reuse Function

    Version 6.0: It is recommended to reuse components within the same analysis subject.

    Create a dashboard in the same analysis subject and reuse components in it.


    After upgrade, copy components in the same dashboard. 

    Copy components across analysis subjects and dashboards.

    Functional Changes of Viewing Dataset Calculation Steps in Public Data

    After the upgrade, if you want to view the steps of dataset calculation in public data, you need to click Blood Analysis in the corresponding data table. Hover the mouse over the data table to view the creator.


    Then ask the creator to collaborate the editing permissions of the analysis subject in the dataset to users.


    Changes of Selecting Fields in Self-service Datasets

    There is no longer the step of selecting fields in version 6.0. All fields are selected by default in the data selection table. 

    Version 5.1: The first step is selecting fields.

    Version 6.0: It will become two steps: data settings and field settings.

    Logic Changes of Cross Table Indicator Filter

    From version 6.0.2, each indicator in the cross table is determined by the rows and columns. Filtering should also be applied to the values determined by these rows and columns.

    For example, filter the data whose purchase quantity is greater than 30 in the cross table.

    Before version 6.0.2: The calculation result only filters the total value of the Purchase Quantity column. The row total value below 30 still cannot be filtered out.

    Version 6.0.2 and later: The calculation result filters the total value of the Purchase Quantity column and row.

    Deleting Current Dimension Percentage Function

    Version 6.0.2 removes Current Dimension Percentage function. The configuration set before upgrading to Version 6.0.2 is available. This entry is no longer available after the upgrade. You can use the calculation indicator to achieve this function.

    Reason for optimization: The calculation logic of direct connection and extraction are not consistent. The function can be easily implemented using calculation indicators.

    For example, there are two indicators in the following example: Purchase Quantity A and Purchase Quantity B. To achieve the current dimension percentage setting function using calculated fields, you can add the formula: SUM_AGG(Purchase Quantity B)/(SUM_AGG(Purchase Quantity A)+SUM_AGG(Purchase Quantity B)).


    Changes of Quickly Calculation Indicator Filtering

    Quickly calculation indicator filtering calculates hierarchical changes. It filters the displayed results and no longer make additional calculations.

    Sort the purchase quantity in descending order and filter data whose values are 2. Previously, the filtering results were ranked. The result was 1. In version 6.0.2, the result is 2.

    Ineffective Filtering for Quickly Calculation Indicators

    Based on the changes above, the indicators are now divided into quick calculation indicators and regular indicators. Their calculation hierarchies are different. The indicators calculated through quick calculation cannot be filtered.

    For example,

    1. The purchase quantity was quickly calculated through descending ranking. When adding a filter condition for Contract Type, the field Purchase Quantity (Sum-Descending Rank) will not appear in version 6.0.2.

    2. Calculate the cumulative value of the purchase quantity and filter it. Only the data will be filtered. The total row result will not change.


    Implementation of Multi-Indicator Pie Chart Through One-Click

    Version 6.0 allows dragging multiple indicator fields into angle. Complete the multi-indicator pie chart. .


    Adding Indicator Summary Value Through One-Click

    For a multi-indicator pie chart, click Label > Show Index Summary Value. .

    Indicator summary value: represents the summary value of each indicator after grouping by the corresponding dimension field. If Show Summary Value is not ticked, the fields dragged into the label will be displayed.


    Deleting Filtered Component Value Function

    Version 6.0 deletes filtered component value function. If you need to use the filtered component value, you can use the parameter function instead.



    Deleting Analyzing Users and Processing Users

    Version 6.0 only distinguishes between viewing users and designing users, not between processing users and analyzing users.

    Before the upgrade, analyzing user X, processing user Y, and viewing user Z were added.

    After the upgrade, analyzing users and processing users are merged into designing users, which means designing users X and Y can view user Z.

    Adding Recycle Bin Function

    Version 6.0 supports recycle bin function. All deleted resources will be moved to the recycle bin. If you need them again, you can retrieve them from the recycle bin by yourself.


    Removing Ungrouped Nodes from Permission Configuration

    Version 5.1: There are ungrouped nodes in the permission configuration to store data of business packages that were originally ungrouped.

    Version 6.0: Delete ungrouped nodes.

    Compatibility: Users with existing ungrouped permissions and ungrouped business package permissions will obtain corresponding business package permissions. Other permissions will remain unchanged.


    Spider Dataset Plugin

    The Spider dataset plugin supports functional changes. The dataset template in version 5.1 can be displayed normally in version 6.0.

    However, version 6.0 no longer allows creating new dataset templates. New requirements can be achieved by using FineDataLink.


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