6.1 Update Log

  • Last update:July 12, 2024
  • Version

    FineBI Version
    JAR Package



    Compatibility Description

    Installation & Upgrade Strategy

    • FineBI 6.1 supports only containerized deployment, reducing project performance and downtime risks caused by improper deployment.


    Personal trial of FineBI 6.1

    Two trial methods are available.

    (1)   Online trial

    Log in to the online FineBI demo platform by FanRuan Pass and trial FineBI 6.1.

    The access entry is the online FineBI demo platform.

    (2)   Local trial

    Download FineBI 6.1 Personal Trial by referring to the following document and trial FineBI 6.1 on your local   computer.

    For details, see Guide to Deploy FineBI Personal Trial.

    Brand-new deployment of FineBI 6.1

    FineBI 6.1 Enterprise can be deployed only through FineOps.

    (1)   Sufficient server resource

    If server resources are sufficient,  FineBI 6.1 can be deployed on a full-volume brand-new server.

    For details, see Quick Start.

    (2)   Limited server resource

    If server resources are limited, situations such as port occupation may occur.

    For details about server configuration requirements, see Server Configuration Confirmation.

    For details about project deployment procedures, see New Project Deployment.

    Upgrade from FineBI 6.0 to FineBI 6.1

    Contact technical support to help you upgrade FineBI Enterprise from 6.0 to 6.1.

    You can contact technical support by referring to Technical Support Channel Introduction.

    Subject Data Volume Compatibility

    In the subject editing status, the data volume limit is 10 million if the extracted data is not updated and full-volume data if the extracted data is updated.

    For details, see Data Volume Description.

    Extraction Cluster Architecture Upgrade for Higher FineBI Performance

    FineBI 6.1 calculation and storage are separated, greatly improving the stability, scalability, and performance of FineBI.

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    Higher stability

    The FineBI node and engine node are separated and do not affect each other if downtime occurs.

    With FineOps, the system automatically recovers from downtime.

    Higher scalability

    Calculation and storage are separated, achieving flexible node scalability.

    Nodes can be added upon computing power insufficiency, and disks can be added upon storage insufficiency.

    The query performance is improved linearly after one-click capacity expansion.

    Higher performance

    Read-write separation keeps the query performance unaffected by updates.

    Shared data storage is introduced, requiring no inter-node file synchronization.

    The following figure shows BI 6.1.X architecture.

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    Compared to 6.0.X, 6.1.X boasts architecture and deployment format optimization, as shown in the following figure.

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    In scenarios where crosstabs and summary rows are used, the query performance may decrease slightly. You are advised to avoid such scenarios.

    Analysis Subject Framework: One-Stop Analysis for Higher Production Efficiency

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    Business personnel or analysts will definitely encounter situations where data needs to be adjusted during data analysis.

    • FineBI 6.0: Data edited needs to be saved. It takes some time to update data. You can use new fields only after the update is completed. If the update takes a long time, the analysis process will be interrupted, greatly slowing the analysis efficiency.

    • FineBI 6.1: Subject-level analysis experience is provided. You do not need to wait for a time from data editing in the subject to visual analysis. After all operations are completed, just click Save and Update.

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    For example, the Unit Price field added during data editing can be directly dragged into the component without update.

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    After completing the subject editing, click Save just before exiting the analysis subject. This can prevent any real-time editing from being immediately visible to other users after dashboard publication.

    If your subject is only for personal analysis without sharing requirements such publication and sharing by public links, you can click Save only (no need to click Update) just after your subject is completed.

    For details, see Saving an Analysis Subject.

    Analysis Subject Page Change

    Management Function Change of Analysis Subjects

    The following subject management functions are added:

    • You can view Update Information of a subject.

    • You can share a subject by Publication Setting and Public Link.

    For details, see Managing Analysis Subjects.

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    Editing Function Change of Analysis Subjects

    On the subject editing page, Rename, Save As, and Collaborate are relocated. The data volume limit location and logic are also changed.

    On the data editing page, the original Save, Save and Update, and Exit and Preview buttons are replaced with the Save and Update buttons. These new two buttons are used to save and update all data and resources in the subject.

    The Update Information, Save as Version, and Version Management functions are added, as shown in the following figure.

    For details, see Editing an Analysis Subject.

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    Draft/Special Archive Added

    (1) If the server or your client crashes, you can retrieve the draft when re-entering the subject editing page.

    For details, see Draft.

    (2) If you forget to save the subject and exit it before forcibly closing the browser, you can find the Special Archive record in Version Management and restore the content.


    You can click Read in the Special Archive record to restore to the historical version and continue to edit the subject.

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    For details, see Subject Version Management.

    Version Management Added

    Application Scenario

    1. History tracing: Data analysis may need you to try different data processing methods. A preemptive "archiving" helps you to restore to the original state when the department business logic changes.

    2. Content drafting: If you cannot completely modify your published content now, you can archive the content to modify it next time.

    Function Description

    In an analysis subject, you can click the ... icon in the upper-right corner and select Save as Version (saving the current subject as a version) or Version Management (managing the saved versions) from the drop-down list.

    • You can click Save as Version to save the temporary configurations of the current subject as a configuration backup.

    • You can modify the version name and remarks and read/delete the saved versions in Version Management.

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    For details, see Subject Version Management.

    Data Volume Optimization

    During subject editing, the data volume is limited at the subject level, which affects direct-connected/extracted data and datasets/components/dashboards/analysis documents.

    (1) The source tables of all resources in the subject are only affected by the data volume limit of the current subject (no longer affected by the update status of parent tables to avoid data unavailability).

    (2) The entry to limit the data volume has been moved from the data editing page to the top of the analysis subject.

    For details, see Data Volume Description.

    Full Upgrade of Sharing and Collaboration

    Publication/Public Link Optimization

    On the subject preview page, Collaborate, Publication Setting, and Public Link are added, allowing you to share all visualization resources of the subject with just one click, as shown in the following figure.

    The following figure shows the subject editing entries.

    Publication Setting and Public Link allow you to multi-select components, dashboards, and analysis subjects and publish them to directories or share them by public links.

    For details, see Publishing Visualization Resources and Sharing Dashboards Through Public Links.

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    Since the edited subject needs to be saved manually now, the edited content is no longer automatically published in real time, preventing the incomplete subject from being viewed by other users.

    • Extracted data: The edited subject can be synchronized to the latest status after the subject has been updated  successfully.

    • Direct-connected data: The subject can be synchronized to the latest status after it is saved.

    Synchronous Multi-User Collaboration

    Multiple users can edit different resources in the same analysis subject simultaneously.

    (1) Other users who are currently editing the resources will be displayed above the subject.

    (2) A single analysis resource cannot be edited by multiple users simultaneously. The analysis resource other users are editing will be displayed below the component.

    For details, see Collaboration.

    Demo Mode Supported for Shared Content

    You can click Enter Demo Mode to view the shared resources in full screen.

    For details, see Subject Reporting.

    PDF Export Supported for Analysis Documents

    Analysis documents can be directly exported as PDF files. You can export analysis documents (as presentation materials) by month after editing your monthly reports.

    For details, see Analysis Document Overview.

    Visual Analysis

    New Filter

    In this new version, the filtering and calculation level are optimized specially for components/dashboards. Currently, you can perform detail filtering on indicators through Filter in components.

    The filtering settings made by you in the analysis area (such as capsule dropdown and header filtering) will be displayed here, unifying the interaction entry for you to clearly view which filterings have been set.

    For details, see Filter Introduction and Filtering Level Introduction.

    Common FAQs

    (1) What is the difference between the filter in the current version and the result filter in the previous version?

    A containment relationship exists between the filter and the result filter. The filtering effect achieved by the result filter is included in that achieved by the filter. You can achieve all filtering effects through the filter.

    (2) How can you use the filter?

    You are advised to drag all required fields from the to-be-analyzed area to Filter.

    New CLEAN Function

    The CLEAN function is added as a new analysis function, which can be used together with the DEF function. You can use the CLEAN function to clear the filtering effect of a specified field during calculation execution.

    Syntax: CLEAN(Field 1, Field 2, Field 3...)/CLEAN("ALL")

    For example, you want to filter the highest amount of product orders in a certain month and also want to compare the highest amount in this month with the historical highest amount. You can use the CLEAN function in the DEF function to ignore the filtering effects in Filter and the dashboard. The formula for obtaining the historical highest amount of product orders is DEF_ADD(MAX_AGG(Order Amount}),[],[CLEAN(Order Date)]).

    In the component:

    In the dashboard:

    The filtering effect achieved by Indicator Condition in the to-be-analyzed area cannot be cleared.

    For details, see CLEAN Function and CLEAN_WIDGET Function.

    Dark Preview Mode Added for Components

    If a dashboard is set with a dark background, white fonts are generally used in components.

    • Historical  version: Since the component editing page is displayed in a white background, you cannot view the content clearly and have to switch to the dashboard to view it.

    • 6.1 version: The Dark Preview Mode switch is added to the upper right corner of the component editing page. When Dark Preview Mode is enabled, you can freely use the white font style.

    For details, see Dark Preview Mode Switching.

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    Label Location Optimization for Funnel Charts

    You can set the display location for labels in funnel charts. For details, see Funnel Chart.

    Flexible Component Field Adjustment

    Display Quick Setting is added to the component drop-down list. After selecting this option, you can conveniently retrieve data for preview.

    For details, see Dynamic Switching of Fields in a Table.

    On the dashboard preview page, you can adjust the order of dimension/indicator fields in the component and hide fields.

    Indicator Condition (Replacing Filter Detail)

    Filter Detail in the component's to-be-analyzed area in historical versions is replaced with Indicator Condition.

    FR Template Supported by Web Components

    FR templates added to web components can be dynamically displayed in dashboards.

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    System Resource Limitation Configuration Item

    BI software, promoted as self-service analysis platforms, provides too much flexibility during business analysis. In this case, you may unintentionally create analysis content that exceeds the platform's performance capabilities, such as datasets with deep lineage or calculation through multi-layered nested DEF formulas.

    This further leads to overall platform shuttering, performance degradation, and even system downtime risks, which is a major headache for IT administrators.

    FineBI 6.1 offers restriction parameters and whitelist functions on the System Setting page, enabling administrators to restrict queries, data updates, and data accesses. This can prevent improper use from incurring platform downtime risks in advance.

    For details, see BI/Spider Parameter.

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    Watermark Optimization

    The watermark object scope is changed from a single template to a single analysis subject.

    For details, see Watermark Setting.

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    Data Migration Added to the BI Tool

    After your project is upgraded/migrated to 6.1, the data cannot be switched directly. This tool helps you in data migration.
    Use the BI tool with the assistance of the technical support/upgrade team. This document does not specifically describe how to use the BI tool.

    For details, see BI Tool.



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