

Public Data Folder Management Permission

  • Last update:  2023-05-11
  • Overview

    Expected Effect

    The super admin assigns data permissions to the sub-admin Alice, allowing her to add folders in Public Data.

    How to Achieve

    The admin can grant management permissions to users based on their types.


    Setting User Type

    In the Platform User interface, if there is No limit on user number of PC User and its subcategories, then there is no need to follow the procedures in this section. If the number of users in PC User and its subcategories is limited, you have to follow the procedures in this section, otherwise you cannot view the dashboard.

    The admin logs into the FineBI system, clicks Manage > User > Platform User, and adds the user Alice to BI design user.


    Assigning Data Management Permission

    The admin logs into FineBI, clicks Manage > Permission > General permission configuration, and assigns permission to certain departments or roles. This article takes Alice as an example.

    Click Data Authorization and configure the permission of Industry Data for Alice.



    1. Sub-admins cannot add folders to the root directory in Public Data.


    2. Sub-admins can add/rename folders, add basic tables under assigned folders, or move folders to other assigned locations. They can also view folder update progress and update assigned tables.

    If the sub-admin has the management permission of the folder and its subfolders, the sub-admin can delete this folder.



    If the sub-admin only has the management permission of this folder but does not have the management permission of its subfolders, the sub-admin cannot delete this folder. If he or she clicks Delete, it will prompt that Cannot delete the dataset and folder in the selected items that are published, being edited, or have no permission.


    主题: System Management
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    • Only read




