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Overview of date function

  • Recent Updates: May 05, 2022
  • 1. Overview

    1.1 Version

              FineBI      JARFunction changes
    5.1  --

    Optimize definition of functions

    Clarify the validity of function parameter

    5.1.112021-04-02Enhance real-time data function check

    Enhance extracted data function check

    Add function QUARTER

    1.2 Use location

    Use location
    Self-service datasetAdd a columnFilter
    DashboardAdd caculation indicator

    Note: If use a date as the parameter in a function, the format of the date must be yyyy/mm/dd or yyyy-MM-dd and it must be encloased by double quotes(" ").

    1.3 Common date functions

    The document provides some commonly used date functions to let users use them conviniently. For detailed description, please view: Common data functions.

    2. Function list

    MONTHReturn the month of the date. Month is a value between 1 and 12.
    YEARReturn the year of the date. Year is a value between 1900 and 9999.
    DAYReturn the day of the date. Day is a value between 1 and 31.
    DAYSOFYEARReturn the number of days in a specified year.
    MONTHDELTAReturn a date which is delta months after a date.
    DATEDIFReturn the number of days, months or years between 2 specified dates.
    DATEDELTAReturn a date which is delta days after a date.
    WEEKDATEReturn the date of the specified year, month and week.
    DAYS360According to the rule that there are 360 days in a year (let there are 30 days in a month and 12 month in a year), return the number of days between 2 dates and this can be used in accounting. If the accounting system is based on 12 months a year and 30 days a month, this function can help to calculate the payment.
    TODATEConverts various date forms to date types.
    LUNARReturns the lunar time corresponding to a date.
    MINUTEReturn the minute of a specified time and the value is an integer between 0 and 59.
    DAYSOFMONTHReturn the number of days between 1900.1 and a certain month in a certain year.
    DATESUBDATEReturn the time difference between 2 dates.
    DATETONUMBERReturn the number of milliseconds passed from 1970.1.1 00:00:00GMT.
    DAYVALUEReturn the number of dates between 1900 and date.
    DATEReturn a value that represents a specified date.
    NOWReturn current time.
    HOURReturn the hour of a specified time. Hour is an integer between 0(0:00) and 23(23:00).
    YEARDELTAReturn a date which is delta years after a date.
    DAYSOFQUARTERReturn the number of days between 1900.1 and a certain quarter in a certain year. 
    WEEKReturn a number that represents the week of a year.
    WEEKDAYGet the date and return the day in a week. The returned value in an integer between 0 and 6, and 0-6 represent the day in a week respectively(from Sunday to Saturday).
    TODAYReturn the date today.
    TIMEReturn a value that represents a specified time.
    SECONDReturn the second of a specified time and the value is an integer between 0 and 59.
    QUARTERReturn the quarter of the time. If the parameter is null, return the quarter of current server time.

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