

Replacing the Mapbox Map Token

  • Last update:  2023-11-06
  • Overview


    Report Server Version
    Plugin VersionFunctional Change


    V 1.0



    Because the product map registration service depends on the public tokens provided by third-party vendors, an important security update has been made to improve the security and stability of the system.
    To ensure that the
    user experience is not affected, this article provides a solution to change the public tokens with a plugin.


    1. The build-in map URL in the product is the token of localhost. After deploying the official environment, you need to follow the steps below to change the URL, otherwise you cannot use the map service.

    2. If  your report server version is version 8 or 9, you do not need to follow the steps in this article; If your report server version is version 10, you do not need to download the plugin.

    Plugin Introduction

    Installing the Plugin

    Click to download the plugin:

    For details about installing designer plugins, see Designer Plugin Management.

    For details about installing server plugins, see Server Plugin Management.

    Operation Method

    1. Generating a Mapbox Map URL

    Note: If the Integration URL has been provided, you do not need to follow this section.

    Click to enter Mapbox Studio.

    You can select existing map styles or customize your own map styles.

    Click New style, select Upload style, and upload the map style

    Click Details and select Share to generate a map URL.

    Click Production, choose Third party > Fulcrum, and click  to copy the link.

    2. Configuring the Platform

    After installing the plugin, you do not need to restart the platform. Enter the platform as super admin and choose System Management > Map Configuration.

    In the 10.0 version, users need to perform the last step in this section.

    mapbox地图更换私有token 图1.png

    Paste the map URL with the private token copied in section "Generating a Mapbox Map URL". Press Enter after completion and refresh the page.

    If the private token is updated, the bottom layer of the geographic information tab is the mapbox map, and the area name is displayed in the language configured in Mapbox (English, Japanese, Traditional Chinese, or Korean). For details, see Mapbox Help Doc.

    mapbox地图更换私有token 图2.png

    Click Custom GIS Layer. The custom layers historically added/modified are displayed on this page. Update the map URL and click Save after completion.

    If you do not update the map URL before the deadline, the map on the large screen cannot be displayed.

    mapbox地图更换私有token 图3.png

    To modify the historically bulti-in GIS layers (Mapbox, Black, Elegant, Fresh, and Midnight), you need to perform manual update as follows:

    (1) Change db.script.

    Enter the keyword standardLayerMap in the search box, find the key containing MapLayerConf.standardLayerMap.Layer Name.url, and replace the corresponding value with your own mapbox address. Restart the project after saving.

    (2) Change FineDB.

    If an external database is configured, you can also modify the fine_conf_entity table in FineDB after backup.

    Enter the query SQL statement SELECT * FROM FINE_CONF_ENTITY WHERE ID Like '%standardLayerMap%'.

    Find the ID columns of MapLayerConf.standardLayerMap.Layer Name.url and change the corresponding column value to your own Mapbox address. Restart the project after saving.

    mapbox地图更换私有token 图4.png

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