The tree filter component displays filtered data with a tree structure. The tree filter component can display fields with hierarchical relationships, such as the hierarchical relationship of Country-Province-City. When filtering, you can filter by the country, the province, and the city simultaneously or individually. Moreover, the tree structure also makes it easier to search when there are many countries, provinces, and cities.
Before using the tree filter component to display hierarchical filtering relationships, you may need to use the Self-Looping Column to process the data so that the data can be displayed in a hierarchical relationship.
There are three types of tree filter components in FineBI, including Drop-Down Tree, Tree Label, and List Tree, as shown in the following figure.
The tree filter component only allows you to add fields from one table and does not allow you to control multiple components through filter components. If fields from other tables are dragged in, the previously added fields will be cleared.
For details about Set as Mandatory, see Setting Filter Components As Mandatory.
The tree filter component does not support component parameters binding.
When two or more labels are dragged into one tree filter component, the Customize Sort of the labels that are placed later does not take effect and the later labels may be affected by the former labels.
This document introduces how to add a tree filter component. For example, add a tree filter component to get the data of China-Zhejiang Province by filtering out the data of other components on the dashboard.
For the operation of tree filter components, see Basic Functions of Filter Component.
1. Create an analysis subject, upload the data, and create a detail table, as shown in the following figure.
2. Add a dashboard, go to the dashboard editing page, drag the created detail table component into the dashboard, and drag the needed tree filter component into the dashboard, as shown in the following figure.
After the Drop-Down Tree component is dragged into the dashboard, bind the field and set the default value of the filter component, as shown in the following figure.
Select the needed data from the drop-down list in the Drop-Down Tree component and the data will be displayed in the detail table.
Similarly, you need to repeat the steps in the Drop-Down Tree to drag the Tree Label component into the dashboard, bind the field, and set the default value of the filter component, as shown in the following figure.
Select the needed data in the Tree Label component and the data will be displayed in the detail table, as shown in the following figure.
If Set as Mandatory is ticked for the default value in the tree label, the data will not change and no query will be performed after the last Unlimited or specific values in Unlimited are cleared.
For example, tick Set as Mandatory and set the default value to Zhejiang Province and Zhoushan City.
On the dashboard page, clear the last Unlimited or specific values in Unlimited, that is, clear Zhoushan City first and then the Zhejiang Province. Consequently, the selected data for Zhejiang Province remain unchanged. No query will be performed after the clearing, as shown in the following figure.
The reason for the appearance of (empty) in the filtering options is that some independent provincial-level data are not stored in the country-level node.
Similarly, you need to repeat the steps in the Drop-Down Tree to drag the List Tree component into the dashboard, bind the field and set the default value of the filter component, as shown in the following figure.
Select the needed data from the drop-down list of the List Tree component and the data will be displayed in the detail table, as shown in the following figure.
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