Value Filter Component

  • Last update:December 29, 2023
  • Overview


    FineBI VersionFunctional Change
    6.0.8Supported calculated fields for the filter component.

    Application Scenario

    Value Filter Component can be used to filter value-type field data in other components. For example, it can be used to get data with the Contract Amount between 1,000,000 and 2,000,000.

    Function Description

    There are three types of value filter components, namely, the Value Range Filter Component, the Range Slider Filter Component, and the Value Drop-Down Filter Component, as shown in the following figure.

     The Value Range Filter Component allows selecting fields by table or component, and fields from different tables can be selected with no association between the field source tables required.


    The value filter components filter the source data of the selected field, not the calculated data (summary result). For example, if the data source contains daily data and the table displays monthly data, a value filter component performs filtering based on the value of daily data.

    You can use fields in the analysis area for result filtering. For details, see Dashboard Filter Introduction.


    You can use the example data: Regional Data Analysis.xlsx

    Use the example data Regional Data Analysis to create a new analysis subject, add a component, and create an analysis table as shown in the following figure.

    Add a dashboard, drag the created detail table component into the dashboard, click Filter Component, and add the desired value filter component as shown in the following figure.

    Value Drop-Down Filter Component

    Filter Component Configuration

    Drag the Value Drop-Down Filter Component into the dashboard, bind the field, set the default value of the filter component, and tick Set as Mandatory (the default value cannot be empty if it is ticked), as shown in the following figure.

    For details on the mandatory option setting, see Setting Filter Components As Mandatory.

    Effect Display

    Tick the data you want in the drop-down list of the Value Drop-Down component and they will be displayed in the detail table, as shown in the following figure.

    Value Range Filter Component

    Filter Component Configuration

    Drag the Value Range Filter Component into the dashboard, drag the Received Payment field into the Field bar, set the default lower limit to 200,000, and click OK, as shown in the following figure.

    Effect Display

    You can set the value range to filter data in other components, such as setting the value range to 200,000-400,000, as shown in the following figure.

    Range Slider Filter Component

    Filter Component Configuration

    The slidable range of the range slider is determined by the maximum and minimum values of the bound field.

    Drag the Range Slider Filter Component into the dashboard, and drag the Received Payment field into the Field bar, as shown in the following figure.

    Effect Display

    Adjust the range of the slider and you can get corresponding data, as shown in the following figure.


    主题: Creating a Dashboard
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