The manufacturing industry has different production lines, and each production line has different workshops that produce products of varying quality levels. A multi-series stacked percentage column chart can be used when you want to classify products of different quality levels based on production lines and workshops under the production line, to assess the production status of different production lines and workshops.
Exchange fields of the horizontal and vertical axes of the partitioned column chart, and enable stacking.
You can download the example data.Data Demo.xlsx
The example data contains five fields: Chamber Number, ENO2, System Updated Time, Value, and Level.
1. Log in to the system as the admin, click My Analysis, select a folder, and click New Subject, as shown in the following figure.
2. Click Local Excel and click Upload Data, as shown in the following figure.
3. Click OK after the data is uploaded.
Click Component in the lower left corner.
Adding a Calculation Indicator
Click the icon and select Add Calculation Indicator from the drop-down list to add a calculation field named Calculation Indicator with a value of SUM_AGG(Value)/TOTAL(SUM_AGG(Value),1,"sum").
Note:The Value field must be added by clicking the field on the left column and will be invalid if the field is manually entered.
The Value field must be added by clicking the field on the left column and will be invalid if the field is manually entered.
Formula details are shown in the following table.
Perform cross-row summary calculation of
Value based on the dimension field.
Creating a Partitioned Column Chart
Click the Partitioned Column Chart icon in Chart Type, and drag the ENO2 and Chamber Number fields into the Horizontal Axis and the Calculation Indicator field into the Vertical Axis respectively.
Creating a Percentage Stacked Bar Chart
Click the icon of the Calculation Indicator field and select Value Format from the drop-down list to set the format to Percentage, as shown in the following figure.
Exchange fields of horizontal and vertical axes.
Click the icon of the Calculation Indicator field and select Enable Stacking from the drop-down list.
Drag the Level field into the Color bar. In this way, the values of each workshop are displayed according to the quality level, with different colors for different levels.
Label Setting
Drag the Calculation Indicator field into the Label bar, click the icon , and set the Label Location to Center.
Color Setting
Click the icon and select Bright from the drop-down list of Scheme.
Create a dashboard and add the component to the dashboard.
On PC Terminals
On Mobile Terminals
The following figure shows the preview effect on the DataAnalyst and on HTML5 apps.
Copy the Data Demo table, rename it Percent, and then click the Edit button.
Select all fields.
Click the icon and select Group Summary from the drop-down list.
Click Summary Column, set the name to All Values, click Select Group Field to add the ENO2 and Chamber Number fields, and click OK.
Click Formula Column, set the Name of Added Formula Column to Proportion, enter the function Value/All Values, and click OK, as shown in the following figure.
Click Save and Update.
Switch the data table to Percent. Click the Partitioned Column Chart icon in Chart Type, and drag the ENO2 and Chamber Number fields into the Horizontal Axis and the Proportion field into the Vertical Axis respectively.
Click the icon of Proportion, select Value Format from the drop-down list, and set the format to Percentage.
Click the icon of the Proportion field and select Enable Stacking from the drop-down list.
Drag the Level field into the Color bar.
Drag the Proportion field into the Label bar, click the icon , and set the Label Location to Center.
For details, see the above Effect Display section.
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