

Directory Saving as Subject Permission

  • Last update:  2023-08-01
  • Overview


    FineBI Version


    Application Scenarios

    You can click Save as Subject to save the mounted dashboard in your directory for business analysis.


    User Alice saves the dashboard Operating Conditions of a Retail Company mounted in the directory as a subject.

    Example dashboard: Operating Conditions of a Retail Company under Industry Application > Retail Industry.

    Data called by the dashboard is the data table in Public Data > Industry Data > Retail Industry folder.

    Setting User Types


    In Platform User interface, if PC User and its subcategories have no limit on user number, you can skip this section.

    But if the number of users in PC User and in its subcategories is limited, you need to follow the following procedures, otherwise you cannot use Save as subject.

    Log in to FineBI as admin, choose System Management > User Management > Platform User, and add Alice to BI design user under PC User > BI User.

    Although a user belongs to BI User > BI View User with the viewing permission for the corresponding directory and the using permission for the data table, after logging in to FineBI, the user can view the corresponding directory while cannot save the dashboard as a subject because there is no Save as subject button in the operation bar.

    Assigning Viewing Permission for Directory

    Log in to FineBI as admin, choose System Management > Permission Management > General Permission Configuration, and selects the permission carrier Dept., Role or users.

    Select Directory tab and assign Alice viewing permission for the directory Operating Conditions of a Retail Company.

    Assigning Using Permission for Data Authorization

    Operating Conditions of a Retail Company calls data from Public Data > Industry Data > Retail Industry folder. Therefore, assigning Component Data permission for this folder to Alice is required.

    Log into FineBI as admin, choose System Management > Permission Management > General Permission Configuration, and selects the permission carrier Dept., Role or users.

    Select Data Authorization tab and assign Component Data permission of Retail Industry to Alice.

    Without the permission, when Alice views the dashboard, an error message will prompt: No permission to view the component data, please contact the administrator.


    User Alice (Alice, 1) logs in to FineBI to view the Operating Conditions of a Retail Company dashboard in Directory.

    She can view Save as subject button on the top toolbar. Clicks the button, and sets the subject name and storage location.

    Clicks OK, and she can save the dashboard as the subject in her directory.


    主题: System Management
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