Dense Ranking

  • Last update:July 04, 2023
  • Overview


    Ranking effect: 1 1 1 4 5

    Dense ranking effect: 1 1 1 2 3

    How to achieve the effect of dense ranking as shown in the following figure (FineBI defaults to ranking.)?

    If you want to achieve the ranking effect, directly perform operations on the original data as section "Ranking Grouped Scores".

    Implementation Method

    Group the same scores together and rank the grouped data. Then use the Join function to combine the grouped data with the original data to obtain dense ranking results.


    Example data: Score.xlsx

    Data Processing

    Create an analysis subject, upload the example data table Score (default to selecting all fields), and rename the table as Dense Ranking.

    Grouping Values with the Same Score

    Add the Group Summary step, and drag the field Score into the grouping column.

    Ranking Grouped Scores

    Add a column Dense Ranking as shown in the following figure.

    Rank the grouped scores (unique values).


    Merge with the original table Score by keeping all the right-side data (connecting the scores from the original table with the corresponding grouped dense rankings).

    1. Add the data table Score again.

    2. Select the table Score to be merged.

    Add the Join step and select all fields from the table Score.

    3. Select Right Join as Mode, and the Score field as Merge Basis.

    4. Save and update the analysis subject.

    Creating a Detail Table

    Use the above analysis data to create a Detail Table and sort Dense Ranking in ascending order.

    Effect Display

    The effect of dense ranking is shown in the following figure.


    主题: Adding and Editing Data
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