FVS Chart Component

  • Last update:August 23, 2024
  • Overview

    This document is applicable to users who have installed the FineVis Data Visualization plugin to learn plugin functions.


    Report Server Version
    JAR PackagePlugin VersionFuctional Change








    Allowed you to set Data Source to Cell Data. For details, see section "Cell Data as Data Source."




    Added the Export Image function. For details, see section "Image Special Effect."

    Optimized the interaction style for charts on mobile terminals. For details, see section "Chart Interaction Style on Mobile Terminals."

    Function Description

    Chart components in FVS include all basic and extended charts (being reclassified) built into FineReport. For details about chart types, see section "Chart Type."

    Most of the setting methods of configuration items for chart components in FVS are the same as those in general reports. For differences, you can refer to section "Notes."

    In FVS, you can set component interaction events, animations, and styles for chart components. For details, see documents FVS Component Interaction Attributes and FVS Component Frame Animation Attributes.

    Chart Type

    Create an FVS template, click the Chart icon in the component area, and click the needed chart or drag the needed chart into the canvas to add a chart component.


    The following table shows the supported chart types.



    Column Chart


    Carousel Catalog Gear

    Stacked Column Chart

    Fancy Tree (Electronic)

    Percentage Stacked Column

    Fancy Tree (Model)

    Custom Column Chart


    Area Map

    Arc Column Chart

    Point Map

    Special Column Chart

    Flow Map



    Combination Map

    Stacked Bar Chart

    Heat Map

    Percentage Stacked Bar

    Area Drill-down Map

    Custom Bar Chart

    Point Drill-down Map

    Carousel Bar Chart

    Custom Drill-down Map



    Scene Map

    Rose Chart (Equal Arcs)

    Carousel 3D Combination Map

    Rose Chart (Unequal Arcs)

    Carousel GIS Point Map

    Nested Pie Chart


    3D Column on Globe

    Carousel Pie Chart

    3D Point on Globe


    Line Chart

    3D Flow on Globe

    Stacked Line Chart


    Scatter Chart

    Custom Line Chart

    Bubble Chart

    Area Chart

    Shape & Text

    Rectangular Tree

    Stacked Area Chart

    Word Cloud

    Percentage Stacked Area

    Mechanical Bubble Chart

    Custom Area Chart

    Funnel Chart

    Radar Chart


    Column-Line Chart

    Stacked Radar Chart

    Column-Area Chart


    Speedometer Gauge (360)

    Stacked Column-Line Chart

    Speedometer Gauge (180)

    Custom Combination

    Circular Gauge


    Time Gear

    Angular Gauge


    Gantt Chart

    Linear Gauge

    Vertical Tree

    Carousel Luminous Gauge

    Horizontal Tree

    Liquid-Fill Chart

    Radio Tree

    Pixel Chart


    KPI Card

    Carousel KPI Card (Flashing)

    Carousel KPI Card (Electronic)

    Particle Counter

    Chart Edit

    Select a chart component and click Content to set relevant attributes of the chart. You can set these configuration items with the same methods as those in a general report. This document no longer elaborates on the setting methods.

    If you are a green hand in using the chart, you can refer to the document Chart Learning Path.



    Several differences exist between chart components in FVS and those in general reports.

    Cell Data as Data Source

    The Cell Data function in FVS charts is supported only in FineReport 11.0.20 and later versions and the FineVis Data Visualization plugin 1.18.1 and later versions.

    The function formula is Component Name~Cell, for example, =Table1~A1.

    To reference consecutive cells, the formula is written as =Table1~A1:C1.

    To reference non-consecutive cells, the formula is written as =Table1~A1, Table1~C1, Table1~E1.


    1. You can only reference data from the table component on the same page.

    2. You cannot reference multiple non-consecutive cells and use hierarchical coordinate formulas.


    Not Supporting Multiple Chart Switchover

    Since the Type tab is not supported in FVS chart components, you cannot use the chart switchover function. Only one chart can be set in a component.


    Chart Special Effect

    The Monitor Refresh and Hyperlink functions are removed from Special Effect to Interaction.

    The following table describes the Export Image function (in the Toolbar area) in different versions.

    Report Server Version
    Plugin VersionEffect

    FineReport 11.0.22 and later versions

    The FineVis Data Visualization plugin 2.0.1 and later versions

    There is the Export Image button. You can export charts as images normally through this function.

    FineReport 11.0.22 and later versions

    The FineVis Data Visualization plugin versions earlier than 2.0.1

    There is the Export Image button, but it is ineffective.

    FineReport versions earlier than 11.0.22

    The FineVis Data Visualization plugin versions earlier than 2.0.1

    There is no Export Image button.

    FineReport versions earlier than 11.0.22

    The FineVis Data Visualization plugin 2.0.1 and later versions

    There is no Export Image button.

    Chart Interaction Style on Mobile Terminals

    The interaction style effects for FVS charts on mobile terminals have been optimized for FineReport 11.0.27 and later versions, and the FineVis Data Visualization plugin 2.8.1 and later versions.

    Interaction Style




    The legend is always positioned below the chart.

    The legend position takes effect according to the set position,   consistent with PC.

    Zoom Widget

    The function does not take effect on mobile 


    The style takes effect according to the set effect, consistent   with PC.

    Prompt Style

    Chart prompt text styles, borders, backgrounds, 

    and other settings do not take effect on mobile 

    terminals. (A white background with black text is 


    The style takes effect according to the set effect, consistent   with PC.

    Animation Effect

    The animation effect cannot be set and does not 

    take effect. It can be set on mobile terminals.

    The style takes effect according to the set effect, consistent   with PC.


    Drilling is supported in Series > Style for 

    multi-layer pie charts and rectangle treemap charts, but it does not take effect on mobile   terminals.

    The style takes effect according to the set effect, consistent   with PC.

    Not Supporting Plugin Charts

    Charts (that can be added in general reports through plugin installation) cannot be directly used in FVS. You can use these charts by inserting them into table components.


    Attachment List

    Theme: FineVis Data Visualization
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