11.0.20 Update Log

  • Last update:September 22, 2023
  • Version

    Report Server Version
    JAR Package Version




    Font Missing Solution Optimization

    When you preview/export templates, font missing may cause the inconsistency between preview/export effects and your expectation.

    (1) For products with the built-in Font Management plugin, you can manually add fonts required for template export and preview, and enable alternative fonts in situations such as font missing and inability to display rare characters properly.

    • Invoking logic of font export: Server project font > Font installed in Font Management > Switchover to the alternate font

    • Invoking logic of font preview: Font installed on your computer > Font uploaded to Font Management > Switchover to the alternate font

    (2) Functions under Template > Export Attributes > Common > Special Character Export Optimization of the designer are merged into Exportable Font > Alternate Font of the Font Management plugin.

    For details, see Font Management Plugin.


    Data Alert Optimization

    To provide better product experience, data alert functions are embedded into products in 11.0.20 and later versions, rather than provided as a plugin.

    For details, see Data Alert Overview.

    Optimization of Plugin Synchronization from the Server to the Designer

    During remote design, you can synchronize plugins from the server to the designer if plugin versions are inconsistent between the server and designer.

    The plugin overwriting logic is optimized. When a plugin is synchronized from the server to the designer, other versions of the plugin are automatically cleared to prevent bugs from being triggered because multiple versions of the plugin coexist.

    For details, see FAQs of Version Mismatch Between JAR Packages and Plugins.


    Relaxed Username Input Verification

    In versions earlier than 11.0.20, the whitelist logic is used for user adding, allowing you to use only specified content as the username and name.

    • Allow only letters, numbers, underscores, @, hyphens, and dots.

    In 11.0.20 and later versions, the blacklist logic is used for user adding, disallowing only specified risky content in the username and name.

    • Disallow the following illegal characters: quotes, <, >, and &.

    • Disallow the following XSS-injected keywords: /script, javascript:, and onblur.

    • Disallow the following command execution keywords: getRuntime, ProcessBuilder, java.lang.and ProcessImpl.

    For details, see Adding Users.


    Strong Reminder for Re-registration After Local Container Authentication

    After the project restarts, you need to re-scan the QR code for re-registration if local container authentication fails.

    To prevent administrators from forgetting, the strong reminder function is added in 11.0.20 and later versions.

    For details, see Local Container Authentication.




    Mobile Terminal

    Adding the App Encapsulation Plugin

    Pagination/Hierarchical designs are required if a template has multiple levels of content.

    For example, you want to view templates belonging to the same business/analysis subject in a combined way, rather than viewing them separately in the directory structure.

    Through the App Encapsulation plugin, you can use templates to build simple business apps and organize them through a navigation structure.

    In this way, apps can have product forms, facilitating subsequent app reuse, implementation, promotion, and evaluation for app market ecology construction.

    For details, see Application Encapsulation Plugin.


    New Multi-Select Dropdown Tree Widget Adapted to the Mobile Terminal

    When selecting data with hierarchical tree structures, you can use the new Multi-Select Dropdown Tree Widget to select directories and leaf nodes under the selected directories.

    In 11.0.20 and later versions, this commonly used widget is compatible with the mobile terminal.

    For details, see New Multi-Select Dropdown Tree Widget.


    Mobile Preview/Export Effect Optimization of WEBIMAGE-Returned Images

    In 11.0.19 and earlier versions, the preview and export effects of images returned by the WEBIMAGE function are not affected by Image Layout and use the default stretch effect.

    In 11.0.20 and later versions, the preview and export effects of images returned by the WEBIMAGE function are consistent with the selected value of Image Layout. If it is set to Default, the tiling effect is used.

    After FineReport is upgraded from 11.0.19 or earlier versions to 11.0.20 or later versions, the image display effect in the original template is changed to the tiling effect.

    For details, see Overview of Other Functions.

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