11.0.16 Update Log

  • Last update:June 09, 2023
  • Version

    Report Server VersionJAR Package Version

    Note: To adapt to FineBI, version 11.0.16 updated visual effects. The current chart styles are only accessible to users who can access external network. It is recommended that internal network users upgrade to later versions, otherwise, online icons might not be accessed due to network problems, which might affect the effects of reports.


    Data Alert Allowing Setting Dynamic Receiver

    For one template, different users may focus on different data. For example, sales leader of New York only focuses on the sales data of New York and does not need sales data of Los Angeles.

    The plugin Data Alert allows setting dynamic receivers by binding User, Dept. or Role according to template contents.

    When there are abnormal data, the system will only send alerts to users responsible for the data. This will improve efficiency and save labor.


    Adding the Plugin Widget Display Enhancement

    Multiple templates of the same project or of the same company usually needs a unified style of widgets that matches the report color scheme. Therefore, the creator of the templates often spends plenty of time adjusting the style of the widgets.

    FanRuan added the plugin Widget display enhancement supporting Follow theme for widget styles to improve users' efficiency.

    At the same time, to meet the need of custom styles, it allows customizing the styles of widgets and parameter pane.

    1. Parameter Pane supports custom Background.

    2. Widget Style supports custom Theme color, Border line style, Rounded border, Font size and provides two styles of widgets.


    Adding Notes About Report in Log

    Added notes about reports in log to help locate related SQL statements quickly and troubleshoot performance problems of database.

    For details, see Database Query.

    FVS Allowing Opening Multiple FVS Templates Simultaneously

    FineReport 11.15.0 and later versions allow opening multiple FVS templates at the same time.


    Adding FVS Custom Model Track Movement Interface

    Added interfaces for controlling model track movement: rotateTo, rotateForwardTo, scaleTo, and moveTo.

    It supports custom models in FVS Custom Model Components and FVS 3D City Components. After getting models, you can set the model to move along a certain track, turn, and zoom in or zoom out through the interfaces.


    Adding Parameters in FVS Model Focus Interface

    Added parameters to the focus interface for model quick focus. This optimization allows changing the distance, central points, and angle of the camera while focusing.



    Optimizing Prompt of Report Inspection

    After enabling Report Inspection, when previewing templates through the browser, you might often trigger abnormal prompts that affect preview.

    To improve preview experience, the platform allows disabling Report Inspection when you are previewing templates. After disabling, the prompts will disappear.

    For details, see Report Inspection.


    Adding User Input Verification

    If a user's input includes malicious code, the server might accept and execute the code, leading to information leakage and execution problems.

    Added User Input Verification to verify users' input in a certain situation, which will prevent the platform from saving illegal characters and filter malicious code to improve safety.


    Optimizing Platform Style

    To improve visual effects, FineReport 11.0.16 optimized the style of the platform.

    Designed theme colors, icons, and layout of the platform to provide a clearer, neater, and more harmonious interface style.

    For details, see Introduction of Decision-making Platform.



    Mobile NFC Allowing Reading UID

    To meet the need for security of NFC Input, mobile platform allows reading the UID information that cannot be copied or modified in NFC card.

    You can select Card content or UID as needed.


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