Viewing Data in a Component

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Dynamic Switching of Fields in a Table
文档创建者:doreen0813      创建时间:04-24 16:22      标签:      编辑:29次    |   浏览:15529次

摘要:OverviewApplication ScenarioWhen viewing the table component, you may need to quickly and easily swit[阅读全文:]

Viewing Component Details
文档创建者:doreen0813      创建时间:07-05 11:51      标签:      编辑:13次    |   浏览:8336次

摘要:OverviewApplication ScenarioThe chart component displays data in chart form, but you want to view the[阅读全文:]

Component Zooming In
文档创建者:doreen0813      创建时间:06-26 19:47      标签:      编辑:10次    |   浏览:8297次

摘要:OverviewApplication ScenarioIf multiple components are placed in a dashboard with each component occu[阅读全文:]

Component Restoration
文档创建者:doreen0813      创建时间:06-26 19:46      标签:      编辑:8次    |   浏览:8270次

摘要:OverviewApplication ScenarioWhen viewing a chart component, you hope to zoom in on a specific part of[阅读全文:]

Viewing Component Information
文档创建者:yzmAG4ry0811176      创建时间:05-16 10:37      标签:      编辑:7次    |   浏览:744次

摘要:OverviewVersionFineBI VersionFunctional Change6.0/6.0.13Added the component name.Added the table data[阅读全文:]