Common Line Chart

  • Last update:December 29, 2023
  • Overview


    FineBI Version
    Functional Change




    Optimized the properties of Connection in Graphic Property, allowing you to modify the style of mark points and the polar axis. For details, see section "Line Style Setting."

    Application Scenario

    The common line chart can show the trend of continuous data through the rise and fall of lines. You can use the stacked column chart in the following scenarios.

    • The changes of a company's sales in the current year need to be displayed.

    • The students' attendance at different time periods needs to be displayed in the city classroom dashboard.

    • The store traffic at different time periods of one day needs to be displayed.

    To create a dynamic line chart, you only need to add a flashing animation to the common line chart.


    Basic Requirement

    Chart Type
    Dimension FieldIndicator Field

    Common Line Chart

    = 1

    = 1

    Chart Feature

    Advantage: The common line chart can reflect the trend of things with different categories, clearly showing the trend, rate, and pattern of data increase/decrease and peak values.

    Disadvantage: The common line chart is not suitable for unordered, categorized, and discrete data.


    Data Preparation

    1. Click My Analysis, click a folder, and click New Subject.

    2. Click Local Excel and click Upload Data, as shown in the following figure.

    Download the sample data Regional Data Analysis.xlsx.


    Component Creation

    1. Click Add Component in the lower left corner.

    2. Click the Custom Chart icon in Chart Type and choose Line from the drop-down list in Graphic Property. Drag Contract Signing Date to Horizontal Axis and Contract Amount to Vertical Axis.

    3. Hover the cursor over the Contract Signing Date field on the horizontal axis, click the ▼ icon, and choose Year from the drop-down list to display the trend of the contract amount in different years, as shown in the following figure.


    Component Beautification

    Color Setting

    Click Color and set the line color, border color, overlay effect, and opacity, as shown in the following figure.


    Line Width Setting

    Click Size and set the line width, as shown in the following figure.


    Line Style Setting

    Click Connection and set Style, Line Type, Mark Point, and Null Effect, as shown in the following figure.


    You can set the style of the mark point in FineBI 6.0.15 and later versions as needed, as shown in the following figure.


    You can set Polar Axis to Round/Polygon after ticking Convert to Radar Chart in FineBI 6.0.15 and later versions, as shown in the following figure.


    Label Setting

    Drag Contract Amount to Label and set relevant label attributes, as shown in the following figure.

    For details about the font style of the label, see Chart Labels.


    Effect Display

    The multi-series column chart is supported on both mobile terminals and PC.



    主题: Creating a Visual Component
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