

Chart Hyperlink Float Chart

  • Last update:  2020-12-02
  • I. Overview

    1) Hyperlink allows report linkage and chart linkage. Specifically, you can see a float chart by clicking the hyperlink.

    2) How to create a float chart? Ways are similar to insert an ordinary chart. 

    II. Steps

    1. Create new datasets

    1) Create a new dataset [ds1] and type the following SQL statement:

    SELECT * FROM Sales_Volume
    SELECT * FROM Sales_Volume WHERE region='${region}'

    2) Create a new dataset [ds2] and type the following SQL statement:

    3) Drag the data column [region] in ds1 into B2 and change the cell style. 

    2. Add hyperlink

    1) Click on B2. In the right-hand pane, click + of Add Hyperlink and select Chart Hyperlink-Float Chart

    2) You can configure settings of [Hyperlink], [Type], [Data], [Special Effect] in the Float Chart setting panel. 

    3. Hyperlink

    1) In the pop-up [Float Chart] setting panel, click the [Hyperlink] tab to set title, height, width and parameter.

    2) Input the title: sales_volume. Set the width and height respectively to 800 and 500.

    3) Click + to add a parameter

    • Parameter: region

    • Type: Formula

    • Value: B2, signifying the parameter value is equal to the value of B2.

    4) If there are several parameters, you can add, remove and move up or down parameters. 

    4. Chart type

    1) Click the Type tab and choose a chart type that suits you needs.

    2) Click the drop-down box of the Chart Type option. Select longitudinal column chart and select the second one

    5. Chart data

    1) Click the Data tab to configure settings for chart components.

    2) Configure the following settings: [Dataset: ds2], [Category: Salesperson], [Series: Product], [Value: Sales_Volume], [Summary Method: Sum]

    6. Chart style

    1) Click the [Style] tab to configure more advanced settings for chart components, including [Title], [Legend], [Label], [Series], [Axis], [Data Table], [BG] and [Tooltip].

    2) Here we modify the title for demonstration. Select [Title], type “sales_volume”, and change the font face.

    7. Special effect

    1) Click Interaction and Conditional Display tabs to configure settings.

    2) Click on the + icon below [Property], select [Opacity], and set the opacity to 49.

    3) Common condition:

    • Available column: Value

    • Operator: Greater than

    • Comparison value: 500

    • Click+to finish setting. 

    8. Preview

    Click [East China] and a sales chart displays. Click North China and a sales chart displays. 

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